Page 52 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 52
transferred to SASSA during the
380 000 was
first quarter with monthly
transferred to SASSA
breakdown as follows (R’000):
between April 2019
April: R36 929
and March 2020 with
the monthly
May: R20 532 603
June: R20 537 539
breakdown as follows
April: R14 279 182
May: R 14 356 062
June: R14 436 354
July: R14 454 759
Aug: R14 489 448
Sept: R14 550 922
Oct: R14 657 741
Nov: R14 775 109
Dec: R14 699 837
Jan: R14 692 936
Feb: R14 545 490
March: R30 351 635
PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION A total of R190 289 A total of R41 107 070 000 was
Linking performance with budgets- Programme 2: Social Assistance
2020/21 2019/20
Details per Sub-Programme Final Actual Variance Final Actual Variance
Appropriation Expenditure Appropriation Expenditure
R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000
2.1 Old Age 81 025 596 81 024 952 644 76 950 918 83 493 005 (6 542 087)
2.2 War Veterans 1 797 1 101 696 1 733 1 762 (29)
2.3 Disability 23 117 861 23 031 721 86 140 23 077 573 25 118 060 (2 040 487)
2.4 Foster Care 4 994 984 4 783 110 211 874 5 080 800 5 397 740 (316 940)
2.5 Care Dependency 3 568 568 3 445 776 122 792 3 429 783 3 598 470 (168 687)
2.6 Child Support 85 591 559 85 590 843 716 64 967 275 70 877 556 (5 910 281)
2.7 Grant-In-Aid 1 529 563 1 311 643 217 920 1 237 511 1 400 090 (162 579)
2.8 Social Relief 20 776 629 19 756 614 1 020 015 410 000 402 697 7 303
Total 220 606 557 218 945 760 1 660 797 175 155 593 190 289 380 (15 133 787)