Page 54 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 54


             Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration

             Programme Purpose
                                                                  Furthermore, the Department completed the Green
             Provide  for  social  security  policy  development,  Paper on Comprehensive Social Security Reforms,
             administrative justice, the administration of social grants,   which has been under discussion within National
             and the reduction of incorrect benefit payments.
                                                                  Economic Development Labour Council (NEDLAC) for
                                                                  the  past  four  years.  The  paper  makes  very  significant
             Social Security Policy Development
                                                                  and far-reaching proposals for the complete overhaul of
                                                                  the current social security system.  The reforms will
             During the year under review, the Department developed a   create a social security system that covers everyone in
             draft policy proposal for the Basic Income Grant. Considering   the country, ensuring that those who are unable to
             the existing categorical grants for  children,  older persons   support  themselves  are  provided  with  social  grants,
             and persons with disability, the policy proposal focusses   while those in both formal and informal employment
             primarily on the provision of income support to working age   are provided with an institutional platform to make
             individuals between 18 and 59 years, who currently do not   mandatory and voluntary contributions to cover
             have access to social assistance.
                                                                  themselves and their families in the event of their
                                                                  retirement, death or disability. The Department,
             The Department also completed two inter-related policy   together with other affected government departments
             reports,  one  on  the  costing  of  maternal  benefits  and  the   will embark on an extensive consultation process in the
             other on costing of policy options for the linking of child   next financial year to develop a social compact on the
             support  grant  beneficiaries  to  other  government  services.    nature, structure and coverage of a future social
             The  Maternal  Benefits  Policy  work  is  motivated  by  a   security system that the country should implement.
             recognition  of  the  importance  of  the  first  1000  days  in  a   During the year under review, the Fund-Raising
             child’s life, and the role that poverty and deprivation in the   Amendment Bill was tabled in Parliament. The
             antenatal period plays in the early development of the child   amendments are intended to address the fragmentation
             from birth onwards.  The Child Support Grant linkage is   and inefficiency that currently exists in the process of
             about deepening the developmental impact of the social   responding to  disasters  in  the country.   The current
             grant by promoting and ensuring that all the child   legislation provides for multiple funds to address very
             beneficiaries  can  access  other  social  protection  benefits   narrow categories of disasters. The objective of the Bill
             including birth registration, health care, and education.
                                                                  is to consolidate all relief funds into a single fund with
                                                                  a single Board to enhance responsiveness and
             In addition, the regulations for the Social Assistance   efficiency.
             Amendment Act, 2010 (Act No.5 of 2010) which were
             assented by the President in December 2020, were published   The Social  Assistance  Appeals  provide  an effective,
             for public comment and updated based on the comments   efficient  and  accessible  social  assistance  appeals
             received. When implemented, these regulations will provide   service  for  applicants  and  beneficiaries  of  social
             for  improved  administrative processes within  SASSA to   assistance. It provide access to their constitutional right
             improve  the  quality  of  service  to  grant  beneficiaries  and   to administrative justice by ensuring that the
             allow direct access to the Independent Tribunal for Social   administrative decisions taken by SASSA in relation to
             Assistance Appeals. This will reduce the time it takes for the   grant applications are timeously reviewed by an
             resolution  of  complaints  from  180  days  to  90  days,  thus   Independent Tribunal to ensure that they are lawful,
             contributing to improved access to administrative justice for   reasonable and procedurally fair. During the reporting
             social  grant  applicants.    In addition,  the regulations  will   period, the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance
             contribute to a reduction in the demand for foster care   Appeals  adjudicated  96,4%  of  the  appeals  within  the
             services, by enabling access to a higher value for the Child   legislated 90-day timeline.
             Support Grant for orphans living with family members.

             The President also signed the proclamation of chapter 4 of
             the amended Social Assistance Act, thereby facilitating the
             establishment of the Inspectorate for Social Assistance. The
             Inspectorate is charged with promoting the integrity of the
             social assistance frameworks, by ensuring that SASSA
             adheres to all the policies and legislation related to the
             provision of social grants.  The Department will work with
             the Department of Public Service and Administration to
             facilitate the operationalisation of the Inspectorate.

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