Page 56 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 56



          Social Security Policy Development (Originally tabled APP)

           Outcome     Empowered resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement Actual Achievement Annual target  Actual Outputs  Reasons for deviation  Reasons for revision of
                                     2018/2019        2019/2020        2020/21         2020/2021            from 2020/21 target   the Annual Target

          Amendment   Fundraising    N/A               N/A             Amended         The Draft Fundraising   When tabling the Bill in   The concern is that the
          of the      Amendment                                        Fundraising Act  Amendment Bill was   Cabinet, the Committee   amendment of the Act has
          Fund-Raising  Bill submitted                                                 not submitted to     Secretariat advised that   dependencies. The Programme
          Act to       to Parliament                                                   Parliament during the   the SEIAS certificate has   should rather target the
          consolidate                                                                  first quarter, however,   expired and a new one   submission of the Bill but not
          existing                                                                     a new SEIAS certificate   needed to be obtained.   the amended Act.
          funds and                                                                    for the Bill was
          improve                                                                      obtained.

          Fraud        Financial and                                   Two social      The Social Assistance   Plans have been    High risk of not accessing
          prevention   compliance                                      assistance audits   Systems audit was not   amended due to the   SASSA files to conduct audits.
          and          audits on                                       conducted       conducted. However,   restrictions imposed as a
           detection   Social                                                          the draft 2020-21    result of Covid-19.
                       Assistance                                                      Annual Audit Coverage   Targets have been
                       Systems                                                         Plan and 2020-23     moved to the
                                                                                       Strategic Social     Operational Plan
                                                                                       Assistance Audit Plan
                                                                                       were updated.

                      Number of                                        20 anti-fraud   Target not           Non availability of   Temporary secondment of
                      anti-fraud                                       training        achieved             SASSA staff due to    official to Legal Unit to assist
                      training                                         sessions                             the restrictions      with high Covid-related
                      sessions                                                                              imposed as a result   workload, while awaiting
                                                                                                            of Covid-19. Target   Inspectorate proclamation
                                                                                                            has been amended
                                                                                                            and moved to
                                                                                                            Operational Plan

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