Page 58 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 58
Social Security Policy Development (Re-tabled APP)
Outcome Empowered, resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
Outputs Output indicator Actual Achievement Actual Achievement Annual target Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation from
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/21 2020/2021 2020/21 target
Maternal support for Policy on Maternal N/A N/A Costing of Costing of Maternal Support No deviation
vulnerable pregnant Support Maternal Support Policy was completed
women and children Policy
Outcome Reduced levels poverty ,inequality, vulnerable and social ills
Social Assistance Legislation to increase Draft Regulations Draft regulations to Regulations to the The Regulation to the Social The Department initially planned to develop
Amendment the value of CSG to were developed support the Social Assistance Assistance Amendment Act regulations for the amendments to the Social
legislation Orphans and and consulted with implementation of Amendment Act were published for public Assistance Act. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, SASSA
Child-headed stakeholders the Social Assistance completed comments. Following introduced innovative changes to its operations,
Households legislation were publication for public including online applications. It was therefore
compiled comments, the regulations decided to incorporate these changes in operations
to Social Assistance into the regulations, so that these innovative ways
Amendment Act were can be carried into the future. This required changes
reworked and completed to the scope of work originally envisaged and
incorporating the comments required additional contracting of an external service
received. provider.
Amendment of the Fundraising N/A N/A Fundraising The Fund-Raising No deviation
Fundraising Act to Amendment Bill Amendment Bill Amendment Bill was
consolidate existing funds submitted to submitted to submitted to Parliament for
and improve governance
Parliament Parliament consideration
Develop a draft policy Policy on Income N/A N/A Draft policy Draft policy proposal on No deviation
proposal on income Support for 18-59 year proposal on income income support to 18-59
support for 18-59 year olds support to 18-59 year olds was completed
olds year olds completed
Access to administrative % of appeals N/A N/A 70 % of appeals 96.42% of appeals (1240 of No deviation
justice adjudicated within 90 adjudicated within 1286) were adjudicated
days 90 days within 90 days of receipt
Strategies to overcome under performance
Most of the work required for final set of regulations was completed and the final set of regulations are with the service provider to finalise. The Regulations to the Social Assistance Amendment Act will be
completed in the first quarter of the new financial year.