Page 57 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 57


                                                                                                     PERFORMANCE BY PROGRAMME

          Social Security Policy Development (Originally tabled APP)

           Outcome     Empowered resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement Actual Achievement Annual target  Actual Outputs  Reasons for deviation  Reasons for revision of
                                     2018/2019        2019/2020        2020/21         2020/2021            from 2020/21 target   the Annual Target

          Access to   % of appeals   N/A               N/A             95 % of appeals   95% (317 of 333)   No deviation          •  Inactivity of IRM Database
          administrativ adjudicated                                    adjudicated     appeals adjudicated                        resulting in inability to obtain
          e justice    within 90 days                                  within 90 days  within 90 days of                          critical records required for
                                                                                       receipt during the first                    adjudication.
                                                                                       quarter of 2020/2021                       •  Closure of SASSA Record
                                                                                                                                  Management Centres resulting in
                                                                                                                                  SASSA not being able to provide
                                                                                                                                  critical records required for

          Social Security Policy Development (Re-tabled APP)

           Outcome     Empowered, resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
           Outputs    Output indicator   Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement          Annual target  Actual Outputs          Reasons for Deviation from
                                         2018/2019          2019/2020                    2020/21        2020/2021               2020/21 target

          Policies and   Green Paper on   N/A               The revised Policy on Mandatory  Green Paper on   Green Paper on     No deviation
          legislation   Comprehensive                       Cover for Retirement, Disability   Comprehensive   Comprehensive Social
          improving    Social Security that                 and Survivor Benefits was not   Social Security  Security was completed
          social       covers mandatory                     submitted to FOSAD. A detailed
          security     cover, voluntary                     progress report was submitted
          coverage     cover, universal                     to the Technical Working Group
          developed,   benefits and                          (TWG) of the SPCHD Cluster.
          adopted and  institutional
          implemented arrangements

           Outcome     Reduced levels poverty ,inequality, vulnerable and social ills
          Policy on   Policy on linking   N/A               A discussion paper on linking   Costed policy   Costed policy options on    No deviation
          Linking CSG   CSG beneficiaries to                 CSG beneficiaries with       options on      linking children grants to
          beneficiaries  government services                 government services was     linking children   government services was
          to                                                completed                   grants to       completed
          government                                                                    government
          services                                                                      services

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