Page 45 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 45



            Entity Oversight (Re-tabled APP)
             Outcome     Functional, efficient and integrated sector
                                                                                                                                            Reasons for Deviation
             Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement Actual Achievement                    Annual target        Actual Outputs     Reasons for Deviation
                                                                                                                         Actual Outputs
                                                                                                                                            from 2020/21 target
                                       2018/2019        2019/2020                                  2020/21              2020/2021          from 2020/21 target
            Reviewed    Entity         Two quarterly     The entities were assessed for compliance   Reviewed entity     The Entity Governance  No deviation
            Entity      Governance     Social Assistance   against the Department’s governance and   governance and      and Oversight
            Governance   and Oversight   Service Delivery   oversight framework as follows:        oversight framework   Framework was
            and         Framework      Assurance         SASSA: An analysis of draft and final strategic                  reviewed, finalised and
            Oversight   reviewed       Committee         and Annual Performance Plan was conducted and                   approved.
            Framework                  meetings were     feedback provided.
                                       held during the
                                       course of the year   Three quarterly reports have been analysed.
                                       and the annual
                                       report for        Joint EXCO to monitor the implementation of
                                       2017/18 were      SLA and MOA between SASSA and SAPO was
                                       analysed and      established, terms of reference were developed
                                       evaluated.        and three consultative sessions took place.
                                       Oversight visits   SACSSP: An assessment and analysis of
                                       were conducted    governance was conducted and some gaps were
                                       in all provinces   identified. An analysis report has been produced.
                                       during the
                                       reporting period.   Social Relief Board:  Analysis was conducted and
                                                         a report produced with recommendations to
                                                         improve governance.

                                                         NDA: The unit participated in Board meetings
                                                         and the term of the interim Board was extended.
                                                         The process of appointing a permanent Board is

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