Page 11 - R2P Front Desk Manual v1
P. 11

Daily Money Bag Procedures

               At each location, there is a blue money bag (petty cash) and a black money bag (deposit) in the
               front desk drawer. The separate bags are used for the following purposes:

                   1.  The blue bag should always have a total of $100 cash, ideally made up of smaller bills
                       ($10, $5, $1) that will act as a change purse. The bag should be counted each morning
                       and evening by Clinic Coordinators.
                          a.  If a patient needs change that cannot be made from cash in the black bag, then
                              you may trade out smaller bills to use as long as the blue bag is balanced back to
                          b.  If there are any large bills in the blue bag, please evenly trade them for smaller
                              bills from the black bag (i.e. trade a $20 bill from the blue bag for one $10 and
                              two $5 bills from the black bag).

                   2.  All daily cash and checks that are collected will be placed in the black bag for deposit.
                          a.  Cash and checks in the black bag will be organized and totaled for deposit by
                              Josh/Matt in accordance with the determined schedule at each location (weekly
                              or bi-weekly).
                                i.   Cash should be sorted by bills.
                                ii.   Endorse all checks by using the “For Deposit Only” stamp.

                                                                                          Last Update: 7/9/19
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