Page 13 - R2P Front Desk Manual v1
P. 13

5.  Paperclip together all receipts and checks collected from the day, the payment log, and
                       copies of checks that have been made. Leave on desk or in Front Desk folder for
                       morning Clinic Coordinator to review.
                   6.  The payment log is checked to confirm all payments were recorded properly in WebPT.
                       Each payment received must be checked against the log to confirm the following
                          a.  Payment amount on receipt matches Amount Paid/Amount Paid on log
                          b.  Last 4 digits of the credit card matches Check # / Auth # on log
                          c.  Number on check matches Check # on log
                          d.  All cash payments are recorded on a receipt
                          e.  On the log, individually check off each payment after it has been confirmed
                                i.   There will not be a receipt for any online payments that have been
                                     entered by Matt. The description for the payment will indicate if it was an
                                     online payment or automatic end of month bill payment.
                   7.  If there are any discrepancies in information or missing receipts/payments, use the
                       timestamp on the receipt to determine the patient to which the payment might belong
                       and/or discuss with the Coordinator who collected the payment (displays as Collected By
                       and their initials on the payment log). Update the patient’s chart and reprint the payment
                       log to confirm their payment was added successfully.
                          a.  Note: The name on a receipt may not always match the name of the patient!
                   8.  After the payment log has been reviewed, scan the log, receipts, and copies of
                       checks to the laptop and save in the Patient Payment Logs folder on the desktop as
                       “Payment Log (date of transactions in MM.DD.YY format)”
                   9.  Upload the saved document to Google Drive:
                          a.  Using the Search Drive toolbar across the top, search Patient Payment Logs.
                              Click on the      Patient Payment Logs folder.
                          b.  Double-click the appropriate clinic location’s folder.
                          c.  Double-click the appropriate month/year folder.
                          d.  In the top left corner under the Drive symbol, click the multicolored + New.
                          e.  Select File Upload.
                          f.  Choose the document from the saved folder on the laptop and click Open. The
                              document will appear in the folder and should still display as “Payment Log
                              MM.DD.YY”. Rename if necessary.
                   10. After the document has been saved to the Drive, the log and receipts should be
                       discarded in the shred box.

                                                                                         Last Update: 7/11/19
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