Page 7 - 2020 Annual Report
P. 7


               STATE INITIATIVES

               Community Based Services
               At EPIC we encourage community exploration to build appropriate social interactions by tapping
               into what people enjoy. We offer a variety of activities, so we can observe behaviors of those who
               cannot use verbal speech to express their wishes and dislikes. Through this process, we can
               determine ways to best support a person live a productive life.

               Pictured in the photo to the right, is Tracye where she is standing
               backstage with  vocalist  Zack T. Brown.  Tracye  and  her EPIC
               support staff  attended  the Publick Playhouse in Cheverly,
               Maryland where she enjoyed the Memphis Gold Blues Band. As
               well as being fun, “research says people who go to more concerts
               are happier and healthier than people who do not. Music has been
               shown to decrease the release of stress hormones and pain relief
               by releasing endorphins, neurotransmitters that block pain.” This
               experience  for  Tracye  helped  meet  her  outcome  that  involves
               taking part in activities she enjoys and exploring new ones.

               Visit  our  Facebook  page  for  more  stories  on  how  EPIC  helps
               people  meet  goals  in  a  fun  and  exploratory  way.  Check  out
               postings about visits to the Westphalia Community Center, Local
               Gyms, Movie Theater, and much more.

               Employment First
               EPIC continues to move steadily to ensure that people with developmental disabilities can work
               and be just as effective and important to our communities as everyone else. Earlier in the year,
               our team successfully empowered 90% of individuals in our employment program to engage and
               maintain employment that have competitive wages. The pandemic forced furloughs of 13% of this
               number and we ended our year with 78% of people employed.  Although times were challenging,
               many people retained employment, such as Diron, featured below.

               Our team seeks employment opportunities and encourages people we support to engage in job
               searches like the October Job Fair  hosted by  Prince George’s County Department of Family
               Services, Aging and Disabilities Services Division.

                                      10 Years on the JOB!

                                      EPIC congratulations to Diron who was honored by Goodwill

                                      Industries for his 10 years of service to the organization. We
                                      also commend our supported employment team for their

                                      dedication to helping adults with developmental disabilities to
                                      get and keep meaningful jobs.
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