Page 6 - 2018_Jour_85-1_Societal-Issues
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6 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators
The articles in this issue collectively work to raise awareness of an educator’s role in
addressing societal issues, whether that occurs through development of additional insight,
participation in quality in-service opportunities, or reflection that leads to stronger and
more compassionate practice. Clearly, the relationship of schools and societal issues is an
important one to our international organization that promotes professional and personal
growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Judith R. Merz, EdD
Loudenback, T., & Jackson, A. (2018, Feb. 26). The 10 most critical problems in the world, according to millennials [Blog post].
Retrieved from
The Secret Teacher. (2015, Jan. 10). I feel like more of a social worker than a teacher [Blog post]. Retrieved fromhttps://www.