Page 1 - How to Enroll
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ōily Essentials
I am so excited you would like to learn more about dōTERRA! The high INSIDE THIS DOCUMEN T:
level of camaraderie with our team makes learning about essential oils What is the difference in a Wellness
Advocate and a Wellness Customer
so much fun! Whether you would like to join to simply purchase oils to
use for yourself, share with family and friends, or decide to build What is an Enrollment Kit
a business, this team will support your journey. We are here to help How to Enroll
you, every step of the way with any questions you might have, Why Join Loyalty Reward Program
help you start taking control Membership Overview
dō awesome. Essential Oil Safety Tips
Questions and Answers
Wellness Advocate (WA)
When you enroll as a WA, it is a wholesale account. It allows you to save 25% on everything you order,
plus you have the ability to sign up others and earn commissions. However, selling is NOT a requirement
as a WA (there are NO minimums) and many people sign up with this option even if they simply want to
purchase oils for their own family.
dōTERRA Wellness Advocate Agreement
Benefits of Being a Wellness Advocate
Wholesale Customer (WC)
When you enroll as a WC, it is also a wholesale account and it allows you to save 25% on everything
you order, however, as a Wholesale Customer you will not have the opportunity to have your own
website, sell products, enroll anyone or earn commissions. It is very simple to upgrade to a Wellness
Advocate if choose to in the future (see below).
Wholesale Customer Questions
Wholesale Customer and Wellness Advocate Comparison
Wholesale Customer Agreement Form
How do I upgrade from a Wholesale Customer to a Wellness Advocate?
Both Wellness Advocate and Wholesale Customer yearly renewal fee is $25.00. This renewal fee comes
with a free bottle of Peppermint