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10 Realty News October
So what are the best places in the Population: 62,630 7. Lone Tree, CO much of a downtown. For com-
United States, circa 2017—and "The community is largely Asian— Median home price: $411,333 muters, there's a train station with
what makes them so darn livable? 66.9%, according to the 2010 cen- Median household income: service to downtown Chicago, a
1. Fishers, IN sus, with 47.7% of Chinese origin. $116,761 one-hour trip.
Median home price: $236,167 4. Franklin, TN Population: 14,733
Median household income: $87,043 Median home price: $433,996 The outdoor lifestyle is also a big 10. Bozeman, MT
Population: 86,357 Median household income: $82,334 lure in Lone Tree, the smallest town Median home price: $313,525
...and more development money is Population: 72,955 in our Top 10. It sits about an hour Median household income: $49,303
pouring into downtown, with $90 The homes in the area are typically outside Denver by car or light rail Population: 42,435
million slated for new projects. One single-family homes in new sub- and beats housing prices in the big
of them is the Yard, a $40 million divisions, with many more under city by a mile. Many miles, in fact. You could come to Bozeman just
food and entertainment hub that construction. 8. North Arlington, NJ for the gorgeous mountain scen-
will include 18 restaurants, a hotel, 5. Olive Branch, MS Median home price: $446,500 ery, and many do—it's a tourist
and green space for concerts and Median home price: $185,092 Median household income: $73,885 destination, just 90 minutes from
wine tastings. Median household income: $62,958 Population: 15,563 Yellowstone and close to several
2. Allen, TX Population: 37,504 Within 15 minutes of New York ski resorts. “We sell quite a lot of
Median home price: $323,676 6. Dickinson, ND City's bustling Financial District, homes to people who fell in love
with Bozeman from the airport,"
Median household income: Median home price: $227,417 North Arlington offers a small-town says a real estate broker.
$104,524 feel that's appealing to families. The
Population: 96,045 Median household income: $71,866 schools are excellent, crime is low, The average commute takes 13
minutes, and about 14% of resi-
Population: 24,771
A $91 million convention center North Dakota is surfing the wave and the 85-acre Riverside County dents do it on foot or bike. Recent-
and hotel complex is in the works, of a current oil boom, and as one of Park is a great place to get outside. ly, the tech sector has been blowing
and there are plans for a 135-acre the biggest cities in the rural part 9. Schaumburg, IL up, with startups popping up all
mixed-use development that would Median home price: $77,557
include office space, shopping, resi- of the state, Dickinson is reap- Median household income: over; hometown company Right-
Now Technologies got snapped up
ing plenty of the benefits. ... most
dences, and green spaces. people spend in the $300,000 range, $246,500 in 2011 by Oracle for $1.5 billion.
3. Monterey Park, CA which can get you a four-bedroom, Population: 77,557 The area is expected to see 11.4%
Median home price: $533,083 three-bath home built within the To the northwest of Chicago, job growth over the next five years,
Median household income: $57,419 last decade. Schaumburg is a classic bedroom according to Moody's Analytics.
community that doesn't have