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8                  Realty News                                      778-868-7224                                                          October

                             Tax Specialist


                                   Примерный список расходов которые вы можете вычесть
                                   из дохода в соответствии с Канадским законодательством:
                                   • Cтраховка на недвижимость.
                                   • Реклама-обьявление о сдаче в аренду .
                                   • Расходы на  ипотечных брокеров.
                                   • Стоимость офисных принадлежностей.
                                   • Платежи за бухгалтерские услуги .
                  доходы от аренды
                                   • Зарплата  вашего управляющего и любых других людей,
                                   которых вы нанимаете,
                                   • Ремонт помещения.
                                   • Налог на недвижимость.
                                   • Стоимость предоставления коммунальных услуг
                                   и многие другие.

                                    You are allowed to deduct the cost of travelling to you rental
                                   property in order to manage it if you are the property manag-
                                   er  – BUT not the cost of your board and lodging.You are not
                                   allowed to collect vehicle expenses associated with collecting
                                   rent unless you own two or more properties.

                                You are allowed to deduct expenses if you meet these three cri-


                                 • Deducting Your Vehicle Costs as a      port tools and building materials to your  ing in real estate is tax deductible.
                                 Landlord                                 rental property.                           Obviously this is most easily applied to
                                 • You only have one rental property and                                            the interest you are paying on the prop-
                                 you live fairly close;                   The most interesting and creative tax     erties’ mortgage (likely a fairly large
                                 • You do part or all of the maintenance   write offs that I found associated with   amount in most Canadian markets today
                                 on the property;                         real estate had to do with the fact that   – especially the first several years you
                                 • You used your own vehicle to trans-    any interest you pay in regards to invest-  own the house!).
                                Rental expenses that are NOT tax deductible:

                                • The principal you’re paying on the      assessment.                              ration.
                                mortgage.                                 • Any personal labour you put into the   The tax breaks are applicable either way
                                • Land transfer taxes when you first      game.                                    – but there are some arguments for one
                                purchase the property.                    • Some people advocate for running       or the other which I think I’ll save for a
                                • Penalties incurred on your notice of    your rental property (s) through a corpo-  post all on its own

          Olga Grivtsova                                                                                                 Шикарные

                              CPA, DFA                                                                                   Кондо, для
           Tax Specialist & Accountant                                                                                   автомобилей

           604-616-2472                                     Рынок                  Buy. Sell. Trade                      класса люкс:-)


               Professional Tax Services

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