Page 4 - october Realty News digital
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4 Realty News 778-868-7224 October
Luxury Condo
Building planned
for Vancouver's
West End
A new luxury condo building is centrally located, steps from
being planned by Landa Global downtown Vancouver and Stan-
Properties in Vancouver’s West ley Park
End, located at 1810 Alberni
Street, at the corner of Alberni The 130,000-square-foot build-
Street and Denman Street, the ing will be completely residential
building will measure 21 sto-
reys high and will have only two Довольно оригинальная
homes per floor, maximizing the структура представляет
living space in each unit. собой две смежные башни,
состоящие из белых
New York-based architecture firm блоков. Башни соединены
Robert A.M. Stern Architects общим пространством,
(RAMSA) is responsible for the предназначенным для лифта,
design of the building. и имеют весьма неровный,
но безусловно очень
The "Denman" building is very привлекательный внешний вид.
South Surrey. White Rock Sale price in Sept.2016 =$440.000
Sale price in Sept.2017 =$572.500
2016 2017
Динамика цен за 12 месяцев: сент. 2016 - сент. 2017
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