Page 7 - october Realty News digital
P. 7

October                                                                                                                      Realty News           7

                                                                                                                                     Meri Shirakyan,
                                                                                                             CPA, CGA

                                                                                                               Property Transfer Tax (PPT) is
                                                                                                               charged at a rate of: 1% on the

                                                                                                               first $200,000, 2% on the portion
                                                                                                               of the fair market value greater

                                                                                                               than $200,000 and up...
          Property Transfer Tax (PPT)      at the time the                 time home buyers' exemption
          is charged at a rate of: 1% on   property is regis-              or refund
          the first $200,000, 2% on the                                    and the property must:              You may qualify for a
          portion of the fair market value   tered you must:               • be located in B.C.                partial exemption from the
          greater than $200,000 and up     • be a Canadian citizen or
          to and including $2,000,000,     permanent resident              • only be used as your princi-      tax if the property:
          and. 3% on the portion of the                                    pal residence                       • has a fair market value less than:
          fair market value greater than   • have lived in B.C. for 12     • have a fair market value of:
          $2,000,000.                      consecutive months immedi-
                                           ately before the date you regis-                                    - $500,000 if registered on or before Febru-
          As a FIRST TIME home             ter the property or filed at least   -  $475,000 or less if regis-  ary 21, 2017, or
          buyers in BC you might be        2 income tax returns as a B.C.   tered on or before February 21,    - $525,000 if registered on or after February
                                                                           2017, or
          entitled for a FULL Property     resident in the last 6 years                                        22, 2017
          Transfer Tax (PPT) exemp-        • have never owned an interest
          tion                             in a principal residence any-   -  $500,000 or less if registered   • is larger than 0.5 hectares
                                                                           on or after February 22, 2017
                                           where in the world at any time                                      • has another building on the property other
          To qualify for a                                                 -  be 0.5 hectares (1.24 acres)     than the principal residence
          FULL exemption,                  • have never received a first   or smaller
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