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4               Realty News                                      778-868-7224                                                                                January

          ДЕПОЗИТ в                                              Какую зарплату необходимо


          275 тысяч                                         иметь чтобы позволить себе...


          был и ‘нету’

          Покупатель from West
          Vancouver передумал,
          а точнее передумала
          покупать квартиру в
          Trump Tower ..НО...так
          НЕ бывает

          West Vancouver woman
          loses $275K deposit after
          backing out of Trump tower
          condo deal BC Supreme
          Court justice rules sales
          contract was binding

          A West Vancouver woman
          who changed her mind about
          buying a $2.75 million condo
          in Vancouver’s Trump Tower
          after signing the contract
          has been told by a judge she
          won’t be getting her deposit

          Lydia May Chen, an ophthal-
          mologist, sued the developer,
          West Georgia Development
          Ltd. Partnership, after the
          company refused to hand
          back her deposit of more
          than $275,000 when Chen
          reneged on the deal.

          Chen’s lawyer made several
          arguments about why the
          real estate contract to buy a    “She was interested in the develop-   should be considered unenforceable,    wrote Sewell. “If the legislature had
          three-bedroom unit on one of     ment because of the reputation of the  Chen’s lawyer said that not only      intended to impose a requirement
          the “exclusive levels” of the    defendant developer and because of    was the developer required to give     that a person understand a document
          Trump International Hotel        its central location and spectacular   prospective purchasers a reasonable   it could have said so.”
          and Tower should be consid-      views,” the judge wrote.              opportunity to read the disclosure     The judge noted under the Real
          ered unenforceable, accord-      Chen attended a presentation by       statement, it must also give them “a   Estate Development Marketing Act,
          ing to the judge’s decision.     the developer’s sales agent on Nov.   reasonable opportunity to understand  Chen had seven days after signing
                                           2, 2013 and expressed interest in a   the disclosure statement.”             the contract during which she could
          But B.C. Supreme Court Jus-      condo on the “exclusive levels” of                                           have changed her decision.
          tice Robert Sewell remained      Trump Tower.                          The judge didn’t agree.
          unconvinced.                     She returned with a bank draft for the  “Whether a person has
          According to court docu-         deposit later the same day, reviewed   been given an opportunity   Anna Kurt
          ments, Chen was living in a      the disclosure statement and signed   to read a document is a       Lawyer and Notary Public
          large house in West Vancou-      the contract, according to the judge.  relatively simple question    604-689-9222
          ver’s British Properties when    Some time later, Chen had second      of fact. However, whether
          the Trump Tower develop-         thoughts about the condo and did      a person has been given
          ment was being marketed.         not make a required second deposit    an adequate opportunity
          Chen thought it might make       on the property. The developer then   to understand a complex
          sense for her to move down-      cancelled the deal.                   document involves a far        501-1155 Robson St,
          town.                            In arguments about why the deal       more complex issue,”           Vancouver, BC V6E 1B5
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