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January                                                 778-868-7224                                                  Realty News           7

            Bitcoin is Legal

            to buy and transact

            in Canada

          Bitcoin is Legal to buy and transact in Canada and is regulated
          by anti-money laundering legislation and counter-terrorist fi-
          nancing legislation.

          Given its popularity, it’s not    blockchain, the technology pow-
          surprising that Bitcoin got under  ering Bitcoin and 800+ other
          Canada Revenue Agency’s           digital currencies. As recent as
          radars. If you buy, hold and sell   in February -17, it was reported
          virtual currency, and make a      that Ottawa was exploring the
          profit in the process, you must   feasibility of Canada becoming
          claim that profit as capital gains.  a global hub for the blockchain
          Not reporting capital gain
          income is considered illegal.     Senior government officials
          Interestingly, if you use Bitcoin   discussed the opportunity in a
          as part of your personal business  meeting with bankers, corpo-
          expenses, your deduction for the  rate executives, regulators, and
          expense would be the Canadian     experts in the Tech industry.
          Dollar equivalent amount, based
          on the exchange rate at the time.  The premise is to position Cana-
                                            da at the forefront of blockchain
          Not only is Bitcoin legal to own   innovation and create a founda-
          and trade in Canada, the Canadi-  tion for the Canadian economy
          an government and central bank    to grow as industries undergo
          are making significant steps to   structural shifts.
          understand the merits of the

         2018 is going to be a tre-         different with over one thousand
         mendous year for crypto-           attendees expected to network
         currencies. The new year           in the tropical surroundings of
         will begin with the 6th            Miami. The event will cover a
                                            wide array of topics including
         North American Bitcoin             blockchain technology, Bitcoin,
         Conference in Miami on             Ethereum, ICOs, token sale
         January 18 and 19.                 mechanics, investing, regula-
                                            tion, startups, disruption, and
         The conference will be held at     much more. This year, speakers
         the James L Knight Centre in       include:
         downtown Miami. A networking
         event is scheduled on January      Roger Ver – CEO at
         17th at the Clevelander South      Craig Sellars – Cofounder and
         Beach Hotel and bar, where there  Advisor at Tether
         will be plenty of opportunities to  Sasha Ivanov – Founder & CEO
         speak with CEO’s of companies      of Waves Platform
         and Bitcoin enthusiasts. That will  Brock Pierce – Cofounder of
         be followed by two full days of    Blockchain Capital
         Bitcoin-centric speakers, learn-   Jeremy Gardner – Founder at
         ing sessions and product demos     Augur
         of existing and new businesses in  and many more.
         the emerging industry of crypto-   The conference has their own
         currency.                          mobile app called BTC Miami           Мы знаем цену времени
                                            for both Apple and Android
         Moe Levin, the host of the event,  devices.                               и деньгам...                стр.9
         has done an exceptional job in
         the past and this year will be no
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