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January                                                                                                             Realty News                       5

           новые Правила                                                                             ...Но есть
                                                                                                     и хорошие

                         С 1 января вступили в силу        процентов или более теперь
                         новые правила в соответсвии       столкнутся с стресс-тестом
                         с которыми, если вы               New rules by Canada’s federal              #1 The Office of the Superintendent of Fi-
                         получаете новую ипотеку или       financial regulator announced in           nancial Institutions (OSFI) rules only apply
                         рефинансируете прежнюю            October mean that even bor-                to federally regulated financial institutions,
                         вам возможно прийдется            rowers with a down payment                 meaning Canadians might be able to continue
                         ‘доказать’,  что в случае         of 20 per cent or more will now            borrowing without a stress test if they turn to
                         необходимости вы сможете          face a stress test, as has been the
                         справится с процентными           case since January of 2017, for            provincially-regulated credit unions.
                         ставками, значительно             applicants with smaller down
                         превышающими их их                payments who require mortgage
                         первоначальную, то есть           insurance.                                 #2 If you are pre-          The same holds for
                         контрактную ставку.                                                          approved for a mort-        mortgage refinancing.
                                                           Some 10 per cent of Canadians              gage, some lenders          If you had a mortgage
                         Новые правила федерального        who got an uninsured mortgage              will give you 120 days      refinance commitment
                         финансового регулятора            between mid-2016 and mid-                                              in place by Dec. 31,
                         Канады, объявленные в             2017 would not have qualified              starting Jan. 1 to buy
                         октябре, означают, что даже       under the new standards, a                 your new home with-         you have 120 days as
                         заемщики с первоначальным         recent analysis by the Bank of             out worrying about          well
                         взносом в размере 20              Canada suggested.                          the new rules.

                                                             To put a number on it,          Here’s how the new guidelines  benchmark rate (currently
                                                             the rules will likely affect    might affect you:               4.99 per cent) or their contrac-
                                                             about 100,000 homebuy-          If you’re planning to buy a     tual rate plus two percentage
                                                             ers, who would qualify for a    house with a downpayment of     points.
                                                                                             20 per cent or more next year
                                                             mortgage for their preferred                                    If you’re going be house-hunt-
                                                             house today but will likely fail   The stress test means that   ing next year, this may force
                                                             the stress test for an equally   financial institutions will vet   you to settle for a less expen-
                                                             large loan in 2018, according   your mortgage application by    sive home than you would
                                                             to a report published by Mort-  using a minimum qualifying      be able to buy today. Or, you
                                                             gage Professionals Canada, an   rate equal to the greater of the   might have to wait and save
                                                             industry group.                 Bank of Canada’s five-year      up for a larger down payment.

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