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8                  Realty News                                            778-868-7224                                                                 January

                                            Capital gains                                                Только у нас !

                          Accountant  tax strategies
                         OLGA Grivtsova
                         Tax Specialist

          Capital gains tax strategies   minimized the amount of       to designate the property as
          change under new tax rules     capital gains tax owed by     a principal residence under
          To help maximize capital       strategically  designating    the new rules, but owns that       Только для читателей нашей газеты
          gains tax strategies under the  when each property was       property at the end of 2016,       15% скидка при покупке билетов на
          new reporting requirement,     their principal residence,    must separate its gain into        концерт.
          here are eight tips and sug-   for tax purposes. To make     two components: The gain           Для использования скидки
          gestions                       this strategy work, however,   accrued to 31 December            выбирайте интересующий вас
          Tip #1: You must remem-        the properties can not be     2016 may potentially be
          ber to report each sale        income-producing during the  sheltered by the principal          билет на сайте https://tickets.gate-
          Fail to report the sale—       years they are designated as   residence exemption, and
          whether intentionally or       a principal residence.        the gain accruing from the         online?performance=8165 , добавьте
          unintentionally—and you                                      beginning of 2017 to the date      билет к себе в "корзину", при оплате
          risk an audit, penalties and   Tip #4: But now you have      of disposition that will be        нажмите в нижней части экрана
          interest charges and the abil-  to keep much better re-      subject to tax.                    на кнопку Add Coupon и введите
          ity to shelter future home     cords
          sales through the principal    While the new requirement     Tip #6: House-flippers             специальный код VERA.
          residence exemption (PRE).     to report all property sold   watch out!
                                         in 2016 and in future years   For real estate investors that     Также вы можете назвать этот код
          Tip #2: A change in use is     won’t impact strategic tax    specialize in buying, reno-        при покупке билетов по телефону
          also considered a sale         planning, it will put more    vating and then quickly sell-      604.270.1812
          Even if you haven’t actually   onus on property owners       ing homes—a process known
          put your home up for sale,     to establish and keep better   as house-flipping—the new
          the CRA will deem it to be     records. It will mean dili-   reporting requirements will         Olga Grivtsova
          sold if you change the use     gently keeping all receipts   force you to justify the “ordi-
          of the property. Take, for     and invoices—an important     narily inhabited” rule.                                 CPA, DFA
          example, you decide to buy     aspect of real estate invest-  As Moody explains: “The            Tax Specialist & Accountant
          a new, larger home for your    ment, particularly if you     property also has to be a
          growing family but want to     want to increase your adjust-  “capital property” of the         604-616-2472
          hold onto your current prop-   ed cost base (ACB) on the     taxpayer.” This means that it
          erty and rent it out. The CRA  property, and save tax later   cannot be part of the trade of
          considers this a “deemed       on when you go to actually    the business. This obviously
          disposition”—you haven’t       sell the property.            isn’t the case for house-               Professional Tax Services
          actually transferred the                                     flippers. “House flippers are
          ownership to another person,  Tip #5: Big changes if you     not eligible for the principal
          but you have changed the       own property through a        residence exemption since
          primary use of the property,   trust                         properties that are quickly                            Inna Yevpak L.L.M.
          from your family home to a     Families that own a home or   sold after the acquisition                             Notary Public
          rental property. As such, the   cottage through a trust may   will likely not be considered
          CRA will consider the home     be impacted in a different    capital property but rather as                         Tel.: 778-855-2127
          sold, for tax purposes, at the   way. The proposed changes   business income and would                              Fax : (604) 484 – 2175
          current fair market value.     limit the types of trusts that   not be entitled to the princi-             
                                         are eligible to designate     pal residence exemption.
          Tip #3: You can still use      a property as a principal     For more info and tips please                          Real Estate Transfers, Mortgages,
                                                                                                                              Wills, Power of Attorney, Notarizations
          strategies to minimize taxes   residence. For example, a     call me or contact:
          For years, many Canadians      trust that is no longer eligible                     #300-3665 Kingsway Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2


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