Page 19 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 19

our physical body and our relation-  Conclusion                      want to strengthen or develop?
           ship can become stronger for when    When we talk about resources,   Then develop a realistic plan that
           you need them.                    I know that some of them can       works within your schedule and
             Another strategy is to start a   become stressors. If you are hav-  situation and make that your goal.
           gratitude practice. Researchers   ing issues with anything, tackle it   Understand that you will slip up
           from the University of Indiana did   head on and turn it into a resource   here and there, and that is alright.
           a study where students wrote three   for resilience. Are you in a financial   You should always work toward
           gratitude letters over three weeks.   crisis? Don’t ignore it. Talk with a   progress and not perfection.
           As a result of just those three letters,   friend or a family member who is   Remember a journey of a thousand
           the students showed greater neural   good with money. Find a respon-  miles begins with the first step. And
           sensitivity in the medial prefron-  sible financial planner who can help   if you’re on the right path, all you
           tal cortex of their brains—that is   you to develop a plan. Or maybe   need to do is keep walking.
           the area where decision-making    you have stress at home with a rela-  What steps are you taking today
           occurs—and they showed a greater   tionship. Again, talk with someone   to develop your resilience?  ■
           likelihood of seeking out things that   you trust and admire or seek profes-
           made them more grateful.          sional help.
             Even after writing only three      Some people are born into situ-  Colonel Brenda Dietzman spent 28
           letters, the effect persisted for three   ations that naturally make them   years in law enforcement and correc-
                                                                                tions, retiring as the undersheriff in
           months. Imagine if you developed   more resilient. But every one of   charge of jail operations in Wichita,
           the habit of saying what you were   us has the ability to develop our   Kansas. She is an IADLEST certified
           grateful for everyday right before   own resources that make us more   trainer and has presented to national
           you went to sleep? Or if you asked   resilient.                      and international audiences on resil-
           your child what they were grateful   Think about your list. What     ience and a variety of leadership topics.
                                                                                She can be contacted through her web-
           for? Can you imagine the lifelong   resources do you already have in   site at or directly
           habit you would instill in them?  place? Which resources do you      at

                                              Election time is around the corner! This is
                                              your opportunity to vote for the officers and
                                              members of the Board of Directors who will lead

                                              the American Jail Association for 2022–2023.

                                              Your vote is important and decides how AJA continues
                                              to represent your interests and needs.

                                              For this election, AJA members vote for 3rd Vice President,
                                              Treasurer, and four seats for a 3-year-term director. Look
                                              for your ballot to arrive in early January 2022.

                                              To ensure that you receive a ballot, log-in to your profile to confirm
                                              your contact information and email address. Your email address
                                              needs to be current in order to receive the electronic ballot
                                              information. Your membership must be current as of December
                                              31, 2021 to be eligible to vote in the election.

                                              If you have any questions, contact
                                              Michele Florian at

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