Page 24 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 24

them at the office for the veteran
                                                                                to pick up upon release from jail.
                                                                                The proximity of the PDO office is
                                                                                within walking distance from the
                                                                                  From the connection with the
                                                                                PDO, we had an opportunity to
                                                                                hear the testimony of Anthony
                                                                                Graves. He was the 138th person
           Opening Day prayer circle                                            exonerated from death row after
                                                                                spending 18 years in custody for a
             Ideally, the veteran’s discharge   classes, a certificate of completion is   crime he did not commit. He is also
           process would be in position so   provided to participants.          the author of Infinite Hope, a book
           that on the day he leaves the jail,   Authentic Manhood is another   about his journey that also details
           he could smoothly transition      beneficial class that is provided vir-  how to maintain a positive mental
           straight to his VA accommoda-     tually to participants of Brothers in   attitude when everything else is
           tions. Previously, if the veteran   Arms. This class has three volumes   against you.
           was released on short notice (such   of six sessions each and gives the   A direct result of this interac-
           as he signs for time-served and is   men a healthy concept of manhood   tion was that a participant decided
           released the same day as court),   from a faith-based perspective. Each   to create a book club focused on
           though the assessment paperwork   man is presented with a certificate   Infinite Hope. He wrote a very
           was completed while in custody,   upon completion of the class, which   impactful letter to Mr. Graves
           there may be a short housing gap   is presented in court as evidence of   asking if he would facilitate and
           that would release him to the street.   class participation while in custody.   discuss the book with eight of his
           Now, however, that gap is filled by   Many of the men feel this is the   fellow brothers who were close to
           a temporary facility that allows the   very impactful class, and if they had   losing hope while in custody.
           veteran to stay three to five days   participated in such a class earlier in   The books for the club were
           until his housing accommodations   life, their involvement in the justice   donated by a family member of one
           are available.                    system may have been avoided.      of the participants, and Mr. Graves
             These new services collaborated                                    agreed to contribute two hours
           closely with Henry Molden at      New Connections                    every week to speak to these men.
           the VA to ensure that participants   A new partner connection        Hearing from someone who has
           were not left homeless during the   made in 2021 for the Brothers in   lived experience of which they are
           pandemic. Moving forward, we      Arms program was a collabora-      also living is more impactful than
           anticipate that these services will   tion with a new division at the   speaking to a therapist who has not
           continue post-pandemic as they    Harris County Public Defender’s    experienced incarceration.
           are vital to the veteran’s release   Office (PDO). Advocates from the   The partnership with the UHD
           planning.                         Holistic Services Division can aid   Senior Seminar students needed
                                             with obtaining vital documents     adjustment as well. Without stu-
           Additional Classes                and clearing barriers that may be   dent access to the jail, Zoom was
             In January 2021, two vir-       problematic for the individual upon   approved as a method of providing
           tual classes were added: Anger    release.                           classes to program participants. Dr.
           Management and Parenting,            Many veterans cannot obtain     Harris and I had to develop a cre-
           which both focus on how anger     housing or employment due to a     ative way to meet the class’s learn-
           can affect children. All partici-  lack of identification, stability, or   ing needs and provide a valuable
           pants are required to participate   additional issues with the criminal   experience to the Harris County Jail.
           in both classes—regardless if they   justice system. With permission   The solution was for students to
           are currently a parent—because    from the attorney on the current   research topics and issues relating
           the Parenting class could provide   criminal charge, the PDO advocate   to justice-involved veterans then
           insight into how they were raised   can assist with these items and com-  create a recorded video teaching
           and how they are affected by their   municate needs one-on-one with the  the veterans what they have discov-
           upbringing. Many of the veterans   Brothers in Arms participant virtu-  ered. In return, the veterans would
           appreciate the valuable points    ally. If the veteran does not have a   provide feedback on how the mes-
           learned in these classes. After 10   stable address to receive the vital   sage was presented and received.
                                             documents, the PDO can accept      The idea was that the students

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