Page 23 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 23

toilets and shower stalls for pri-
           vacy, and a small recreation space
           that provides cover for inclement
             The unit is decorated in military
           images, the American flag, painted
           bunks, and encouraging quotes.
           Another interesting fact, veterans
           are the first to occupy this unit.
           These aspects were not previously
           available in the other unit and allow
           the men to feel human again. The
           entrance vestibule contains a dedi-
           cation plaque that says:
             “This space is dedicated to those
           men who stood up and took an oath
           to provide a service to our country.
           By remembering who you are and
           what you stand for, we have an
           obligation to ensure that you will
           not be forgotten. Thank you for
           your service!—Sheriff Ed Gonzalez
           and your community.”
             In the Brothers in Arms program,
           each man is called by his name,
           not a nickname. He is treated as a
           person instead of a number in the
           justice system. One of the images   Brothers in Arms dedication wall (top). Brothers in Arms logo (bottom).
           on the wall states, “RESPECT: Give
           it to get it.” There is zero-tolerance   tized by physically entering the jail   the men accepted the challenge of
           for disrespect to staff, volunteers,   to visit their fathers.       helping each other with what they
           or fellow brothers in the program.                                   had learned from previous classes.
           Failure to comply results in immedi-  Veteran Programming During the   They could still communicate with
           ate removal from the program.     Pandemic                           the VA and TVC through the mail to
             There is no face-to-face visi-     In March 2020, the COVID-19     request military documents, begin
           tation in the unit. Instead, new   pandemic created several challenges   the discharge upgrade process, sub-
           technology was installed for video   for the unit, including the removal   mit an intent to file for benefits, and
           visitation. There is no limit to how   of community partners. In-person   receive other essential communica-
           many people the veterans can see   classes were suspended indefinitely,   tions that would be most beneficial
           on one device during 20-minute    and very limited resources could   for their release.
           video visitation. For example, one   enter the unit. The courts and length
           veteran has six children. According   of time in jail were significantly   Another Layer of Services
           to the visitation policy, he was only   impacted due to quarantines or pre-  The VA housing case managers
           allowed to see up to two adults and   cautionary observation; resets were   provided another layer of services
           two children when he was housed   common and frustrating to anyone   during the pandemic. If the eligible
           in another building. With video visi-  in custody. If inmates were unable   justice-involved veteran was within
           tation, he can speak to his wife and   to bond out or had no support   30 days of release, he was connected
           all six of his children in one visit.   outside of the jail, they were at the   to a VA case manager who would
           This brought him to tears after five   mercy of a justice system that was   conduct an assessment and deter-
           months of incarceration. Video visi-  trying to handle an unprecedented   mine programs or housing options
           tation is also familiar for veterans   pandemic.                     for him. The case manager would
           deployed or stationed away from      Because the program’s focus is   discuss criteria for each option and
           their families for extended periods,   to utilize the brother next to you   assist with obtaining pre-approval
           and young children are not trauma-  as your most valuable resource,   for the best program.

                                                                         AMERICANJails   NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2021   |  21
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