Page 25 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 25

would need to wear many hats      there is a line where “no man is left
           in their future careers, including   behind,” we—as civilians—need to   Program Limitations
           interacting with the public. Special   consider the journey that brought   Approval for housing in
           permissions had to be requested   these justice-involved veterans to   the unit at the Joint Processing
           from UHD’s Internal Review Board   jail. An individual, civilian, or ser-  Center requires that certain
           to pursue this endeavor.          vice member responds differently     medical and mental health
                                             to situations and circumstances that   conditions of the veteran
           The Cost                          impact their life, for better or worse.  inmates are stable. Otherwise,
             The Brothers in Arms program                                         they could be denied access to
           is not grant-funded; therefore,   Program Successes                    the program if another build-
           any military-themed decorations,     Since beginning this mission in   ing is better equipped for
           upgrades in television equipment,   October 2018, the veteran popula-  treating their ailment.
           county-issued laptop, and services   tion had decreased at Harris County   Veteran inmates with spe-
           provided by the program coordi-   Jail from 312 to 215 as of April 2021.   cial housing requirements—
           nator are furnished by Sheriff Ed   Many variables could explain this   such as sex-offenders or
           Gonzales and the Harris County    drop in population, such as bail     administrative separation clas-
           Sheriff’s Office. All other resources   reform and pretrial releases for   sifications and escape risks—
           and classes are provided by com-  lower-level offenses and prison      are not allowed to house in
           munity partners and the volunteers   time for higher-level charges, but   the unit, limiting access to the
           who offer their services and time to   the participants of the Brothers in   program. These veterans must
           the program participants.         Arms program leave custody from      be serviced one-on-one from
             There is no additional cost to the   our jail, better informed of their   their current housing location.
           taxpayer for the resource educa-  benefits.                               According to the VA, sex
           tion that is available to eligible   Community partners and volun-     offenders are identified as
           service members. Helping veterans   teers have reached out to more than   one of the highest veteran
           understand their eligibility and how  1,200 veterans to provide resources   homeless populations that
           to access their benefits improves   to justice-involved veterans, and   utilize VA-sponsored housing.
           public safety when they are released  over 700 participants have partici-  However, while in custody,
           from incarceration. When hous-    pated in the program on the unit.    they are limited to where they
           ing and viable employment needs      Housing service members           can be housed, and are not
           are met, people are off the streets   together creates a conducive envi-  allowed in the program due to
           and not committing crimes to meet   ronment for the justice-involved   their housing classification.
           their basic needs. The medical and   veteran. He is surrounded by his     Sex offenders account for
           mental health services provided by   brothers who understand his jour-  approximately 15% of our
           the VA helps to stabilize the veteran   ney, and he may share things that   justice-involved veteran popu-
           who now has other options than the   he would never share with civilians.   lation at the jail.
           justice system during his next crisis.  This has created an environment
             Addressing anger issues, bound-  that reduces violence, behavioral
           aries, and unhealthy relationships   issues with staff, and a safe place   time, and the same level of cleanli-
           allows the veteran to understand   where a veteran no longer feels   ness is standard every time. 
           meaningful connections with oth-  alone. He has found his broth-
           ers. Those meaningful connections   ers who can assist him with those
           help to improve the veteran’s sup-  demons that can be triggered by   Heide Laser is a chaplaincy case
           port system and relationship with   those who don’t understand. The   manager/program coordinator for the
           his family. Finally, if the veteran   Brothers in Arms program has only   Brothers in Arms program at Harris
           is convicted of his charge and will   had seven physical altercations in   County Jail in Texas, a 72-man unit
           be transferred to prison, he needs   the program since February 2019.  designed for justice-involved veterans.
           to learn about apportionment and     Veterans take pride in their    She received a BS in criminal justice at
                                                                                UHD and was a student of Dr. Judith
           other resources to assist his family   space. The Brothers in Arms unit is   Harris’ senior seminar class in 2014.
           while incarcerated.               cleaned regularly in ways that only   She coordinates volunteers, community
             The highest cost is when we, as   a veteran can make happen. The   partners, and UHD students to provide
           a society, do nothing to help those   men take pride in and appreciate   veteran-specific resources to meet the
                                                                                needs of the most extensive veteran
           who provided a service to our coun-  their space, their brothers, and their   services program in Texas. She can be
           try. Although most veterans are not   unit. In other words, anyone can   contacted at heide.laser@sheriff.hctx.
           in the justice system and may think   walk through their unit at any given   net.

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