Page 21 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 21

Heide Laser-Case Manager/Program Coordinator for the Brothers in Arms Program

             Often, it is the veteran’s pride   fied potential inmates with former   Approximately 75% of those whom
           that is the barrier to asking or   service who were then screened to   we encountered had never taken
           receiving help. Those who served   see if they met the essential military   advantage of their eligibility status,
           in the military are trained to never   service criteria. Then, working with   the resources available through the
           show signs of weakness. They must   Henry Molden, the Veterans Justice   VA and local community partners,
           put on a “gorilla suit” or a tough   Outreach (VJO) representative, we   or services that could be received
           guy façade while housed in general   created an orientation that covered   while in custody.
           population in order to survive. No   housing benefits and eligibility   We then brought in another key
           training has ever prepared veterans   for Veterans Administration (VA)   player from the Texas Veterans
           for the jailhouse social system.  benefits.                          Commission (TVC): Greg Holland, a
                                                For two months, we conducted    claims benefits advisor who assists
           Reaching the Masses               11 VJO visits of multiple groups   justice-involved veterans. He is inte-
             In October 2018, I made it my   per day, stashing up to 25 men in   gral to explaining the claims process
           mission to reach as many justice-  chapels, classrooms, and the law   for benefits, discharge upgrades,
           involved male veterans in cus-    library. We reached 186 justice-   and the intent to file a claim to
           tody at Harris County Jail (Texas)   involved veterans who were not   veteran inmates. He can also assist
           as possible. Using the Veterans   participating in veteran-specific   in starting the process while the
           Reentry Search Service list, students   programming, located in special   veteran is in custody.
           from the University of Houston-   housing units, or receiving acute    We quickly realized the flaws
           Downtown (UHD) and I identi-      medical or mental health treatment.   during these VJO visits.

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