Page 28 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 28

Addressing Victimization/         Herring promoted when starting       The numbers and statistics attest
           Vulnerability                     the detention center’s “Stars and   to the program’s success. From
             A core issue among the veteran’s   Stripes” housing unit. This general   January 2015 through December
           population in detention facilities is   population housing unit offers   2019, 1,197 inmates went through
           victimization/vulnerability. Once   incarcerated veterans the opportu-  the program. Of the 196 inmates
           addressed through proper program   nity to volunteer within the Harris   who returned to the jail, or a recidi-
           case management, individuals can   County facility.                  vism rate of 16%, 143 chose to reen-
           work toward healing and transform    The Stars and Stripes program   ter the Stars and Stripes program.
           their lives. The history of cases   was initiated in the Harris County   The community has responded in
           show that many jailed veterans    facility in 2014 and focuses on spe-  an overwhelmingly positive manner
           joined or “ran” to the military to   cific principles and goals:     as well, acting as an extended fam-
           get away from a problem that they   •  Each person is evaluated individ-  ily of support and accountability.
           could not manage.                    ually. A risk/needs responsivity   One of the conditions for participat-
             The military introduces structure   assessment is then conducted to   ing in the program is that formerly
           and discipline but does not provide   understand the factors in a per-  incarcerated individuals give back
           therapy for underlying emotional     son’s life that have contributed to   in a mentoring role in what becomes
           or psychiatric problems; therefore,   their situation and to understand   a meaningful extended family of
           mental health issues tend to remain   the community resources needed   caregivers.
           suppressed. Working together in      to help that person.
           counseling and one-on-one sessions   •  The specific offenses that the   Camaraderie Through Housing
           helps to break down barriers of the   person has been charged with or   Innovative approaches in inmate
           separate service branches, so they   is the basis for incarceration is   programs and housing are help-
           see themselves as a unit with com-   not an issue. Understanding their   ing to reduce recidivism and treat
           mon ground and purpose.              mental state and/or potential   mental health for jailed veterans.
             Additionally, coordinating         substance abuse history is part of   Another approach is to adopt some
           funding sources with court- and      the assessment.                 of the common principles associ-
           community-based programs are      •  The 90-day program is strength-  ated with military training, includ-
           helping veterans reverse the nega-   focused to reward and build on   ing allowing inmates to reflect the
           tive impacts that contributed to     the positive attributes of person-  identity of their service in their
           their incarceration. Some of these   ality or character, in contrast to   dayrooms and housing.
           programs include working with:       a punitive approach where they    Major Eleanor Jones has the
           •  community-based sources to        are punished for failures.      command of Detention Support
             address the impacts of post-trau-  Once the inmate assessment has   Services in the Harris County
             matic stress disorder (PTSD), and  been conducted and an understand-  Detention Center that encompasses
           •  courts and case management to   ing established, the Harris County   the Stars and Stripes program run
             address issues related to sub-  Sheriff’s Office program reaches out   by Herring. The trust and goodwill
             stance abuse and addiction.     to find stakeholders outside the jail.   that grows out of shared associa-
                                             The program brings them into the   tion of military services is a bond
           Getting Started Right with “Stars   facility to assist with counseling in   reflected in the unit’s design. The
                                                                                unit also provides:
           and Stripes”                      one-on-one and group settings to
             Jennifer Herring, manager of    deal with specific issues:         •  Lower level of security
           Inmate Programs and Re-Entry      •  Anger                           •  Walls painted with patriotic
           at the Harris County Detention    •  Conflict resolution               murals
           Center in Houston, Texas, and                                        •  Psychological counseling
           social worker by training, repeat-  •  How to manage and accept      •  Interaction with outside agen-
           edly observed instances in which     change                            cies through the Veterans
           waiting to treat inmates as part of   •  Health issues                 Administration (VA)
           the reentry process was too little,   The program is a rigorous “feet-
           too late. It became clear that for the   on-the-floor” period of activity from   Stars and Stripes builds on
           focused preparation of reentry to be   8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. The inmate   other more general programs
           effective, the process of preparation   must voluntarily participate and   in the detention center, such as
           actually needed to begin when the   engage in the training. “It is a lot of   “Mentoring Moms” and “Fathers
           individual was first brought into   work, but the successes far exceed   First” that work with women (preg-
           the facility. Thus, the phrase “The   the failures,” said Herring in a   nant and post-partum) and men
           Time is Now” became the message   recent phone interview.

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