Page 30 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
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ees opted to identify as a veteran,   “The VFW flag represents that there   Works Cited
           even though the question is directly   is hope outside, and other veterans   Fausto, A. (2019, December 31), Jail
           asked by staff at intake.         are here to support you.”             housing for veterans. Orange County
             Today, detainee information is     The unit has a capacity of 18      Register.
           uploaded from the jail’s inmate   beds, and generally there are 10   Maruschak, L. M., Bronson, J., & Alper,
           management software system to     persons in the unit at a time. Since   M. L. (2021, March). Veterans in
                                                                                   prison: Survey of prison inmates.
           VRSS daily to review new intakes   the unit opened over two years ago,   Veterans in State and Federal Prisons.
           from the previous 24 hours.       Lt. Lookabaugh is glad to report      Retrieved from https://bjs.ojp.
           According to Franklin County’s    “there have been zero incidents       gov/library/publications/veterans-
           Major Chad Thompson in a recent   in the housing unit.” Participants    prison-survey-prison-inmates-2016
           interview, “The VRSS system identi-  share common traits that Maj.   Schaffer, B. J. (2106). Incarcerated vet-
           fies two to three new veterans daily   Thompson and Lt. Lookabaugh      erans outreach program.” Journal of
           entering our jail.”               think are important to success of     Evidence-Informed Social Work, 13(3),
             Learning that there were more   the unit: They are respectful and     293–304.
           veterans in the facility than ini-  willing to accept set expectations,
           tially realized, the FCSO decided   are tolerant of one another, and they
           to convert an 18-bed dormitory    set expectations among themselves.   Halden Tally, AIA, LEED AP BD+C,
           into a veterans housing unit. To   Correctional officers, who are    is a justice principal based out of
           qualify for the unit, veterans must   mostly veterans themselves, oversee   HDR’s Dallas office. His career spans
                                                                                over 40 years, 25 of which focused in
           be honorably discharged, charged   and manage the units.             justice architecture in 10 states across
           with a nonviolent offense, and have   According to Lt. Lookabaugh,   the country. In recent years, his work
           no prior significant disciplinary   the correctional officers serve   has focused on innovation and best
           problems.                         as “unofficial mentors” to the     practices for correctional health/mental
                                                                                health and working with detention staff
             Detainees are invited to partici-  participants. The design of such   to design facilities that complement
           pate with the expectation that they   units should incorporate “trauma-  their programs to reduce recidivism and
           participate fully in all programming   informed design concepts,” says   provide safe impactful environments
           and provide peer support to oth-  Maj. Thompson. Such concepts       focused on specific outcomes. He can
                                                                                be contacted at halden.tally@hdrinc.
           ers. It is required that participants   include daylight, fresh air, and   com.
           have at least 30 days left on their   normative furnishings. Cleanliness
           sentence. And, it is a preference, but   and orderliness are important, too.   Heather Lorenzo is a designer at HDR
                                                                                and a recent graduate from Texas A&M
           not a requirement, that detainees   Beds are expected to be made, and   University with a master’s degree in
           are participating in the County’s   property totes and shoes are to be   architecture and certificate in health
           Veterans Court.                   neatly placed under the bed. Rates   systems and designs—a program that
             Programming in the Veterans     of recidivism for participants have   promotes research, innovation, and
                                                                                communication in focusing on health
           Housing Unit is robust and includes   not been officially tracked, but   facility planning and design. Lorenzo’s
                                             according to Lt. Lookabaugh, who
           substance abuse treatment, anger   has overseen the unit, he has not   final study project focused on how to
           management, cognitive behavioral   seen a person come through the unit   rethink and redesign inmate housing in
           therapies, social skills development,   a second time.               a humane way giving them back their
           team building exercises, resume                                      dignity, hope, and value as a human
                                                                                being. She can be contacted at heather.
           writing, and yoga. Specialists from                        
           the VA’s Veterans Justice Outreach   Conclusion
           Program visit the unit two to three   By examining successful pro-   David Bostwick, AIA, is a justice
                                                                                consultant with HDR specializing in
           days a week. They help connect    grams for incarcerated veterans    strategic master planning, needs
           detainees to VA benefits, including   across the country, we can gather   assessments, programming, and design
           health benefits, housing programs,   best practices and lessons learned   of criminal justice facilities. He has been
           and compensation and pension      and continue to transform our      involved in over 75 justice projects
           benefits.                         approach for the better. In each   over his career. He currently serves as
                                                                                a technical resource provider on the
             Before the unit opened, the     example, it is evident that focusing   subject of jail planning and design for
           dormitory was cleaned and painted   on military culture and addressing   the National Institute of Corrections,
                                             specific population needs directly
           and decorated with flags of all   while also providing a strong      U.S. Department of Justice. His articles
                                                                                on justice planning and design have
           the armed services. Military flags,   network of support, sets up our   been published in numerous industry
           along with a VFW flag, were all   veterans for positive rehabilitation   journals. He can be contacted at david.
           donated by the local VFW. This    and success upon release. 
           gesture is significant as, according
           to Lieutenant Thad Lookabaugh,

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