Page 44 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
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                                                                                                                                                                                             Jail Expo


                                                                                                                                                                                           &    EXCEL
           It has been very encouraging to      Most importantly, I commend
           review many creative and uplifting   those individuals spending time
           submittals from which all can ben-  with us who apply their hidden
           efit. I commend Stephanie Ruane   talents and submit their creations
           and her staff for their hard work in   for newsletter publication. It is truly                                                                                                  May 21–25, 2022
           bringing the newsletter to fruition.”  YOUR newsletter! I thank all of the                                                                                                      Long Beach, California
                                             staff at MCCI, Social and Substance
           Note from Monmouth County         Abuse Services, our medical team
           Sheriff Shaun Golden              and our correctional police officers
             “My congratulations to Stephanie   and supervisors whose combined
           Ruane, Supervisor of Substance    efforts made this initiative one
           Abuse Services and Social Services,   of which we can all be justifiably   Cynthia Scott is the PIO for the
                                                                                Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office. She
           and her staff for the outstanding   proud.”                          can be contacted at
           implementation and continuation of
           the SMART Way Newsletter, which   Concluding Thoughts                Stephanie Ruane holds a master’s
                                                                                degree in psychology and is a licensed
           celebrates its first anniversary with   The Corrections Division of the   clinical alcohol and drug counselor. Her
           a special 35-page issue this month.   Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office   position as Supervisor of Substance
           This innovative and creative under-  looks forward to continuing the   Abuse Services and Social Services
           taking channels the hidden talents   SMART Way Newsletter in our     affords her the opportunity to be
           and skills of the inmate population   second year as a beacon of expres-  creative with her team and the projects
                                                                                they pursue. She can be contacted at
           into a continuing forum for expres-  sion for art, poetry, stories, and
           sion featuring art, poetry, stories,   personal experiences for our inmate
           and personal experiences. Each    population. Author Lewis Carroll   Jason McCauley is an administrative
                                                                                captain with over 21 years of service
           issue continues to amaze the MCCI   (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)   with the Monmouth County Sheriff’s
           staff, and the inmates as well, as   said, “It is one of the great secrets of   Office, Corrections Division. He can be
           to the creativity that exists in the   life that those things that are most   contacted at
           clients we serve at the Monmouth   worth doing, we do for others.” The   Ted Freeman is Executive Undersheriff
           County Correctional Institution.  SMART Way Newsletter is that kind   of the Monmouth County Sheriff’s
                                             of secret that gladly we share with   Office. He can be contacted at

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