Page 39 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 39

The original concept for our      the concept. In fact, so much that   appreciative for a platform to share
           inmate newsletter was generated   he agreed to serve with Ms. Ruane   their talents. Although early con-
           in 2014. It was based on the content   in reviewing all articles submitted   tributors to the first several newslet-
           of two books, The Power of Positive   for consideration for publication.   ters submitted mostly on poetry and
           Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent    On April 20, 2020, the first issue of   short stories, our current contribu-
           Peale and The Secret by Rhonda    the SMART Way (Streets Making A    tors are focusing more on artwork.
           Byrne. This newsletter lasted almost   Right Turn) newsletter was released.  The first issue of the newsletter
           a year, then gradually disappeared.                                  was very basic—no frills, printed
           When the pandemic hit, Stephanie   Early Days                        in black-and-white, and only
           Ruane (Supervisor of Social Services   The early contributors to the    eight pages. It was created on Ms.
           and Substance Abuse Services)     newsletter have all left the       Ruane’s MacBook Pro from her
           felt the need to help inmates focus   Monmouth County Correctional   living room when she was work-
           on something upbeat as well as to   Institution, either returning to their   ing part time from home due to
           provide a outlet for them to channel   communities or leaving to serve a   COVID-19 precautions for staff. The
           their energy in a positive direction.  sentence at a state prison. However,   parameters for submission have
             Ms. Ruane discussed the possibil-  the feedback of those early con-  remained constant: Regardless of
           ity of bringing back the newsletter   tributors—as well as all our current   what type of work is submitted, the
           with her supervisor, Captain Jason   contributors—has been overwhelm-  message must be positive; nothing
           McCauley. He strongly supported   ingly positive. They are grateful and   negative or derogatory is accepted.

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