Page 36 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
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Congratulations to the

                        39th GraduatinG Class

                              OF THE  Command Academy
                                 National Jail Leadership

                                                   SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE!

               hirty men and women from 16 states graduated on August 6, 2021
               as members of Class 39 of the National Jail Leadership Command
           TAcademy (NJLCA).
             NJLCA is a collaboration of the American Jail Association and the
           Correctional Management Institute of Texas.
             Through five days of instruction by experts in corrections and interac-
           tion with one another, graduates developed the leadership skills that can
           help them to successfully transition to senior leadership positions in their
           agencies. In its 12th year, the program has more than 1,400 graduates from
           nearly 300 agencies.

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