Page 40 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 40

The goal is for inmates to share   Changes
                                             positivity and creativity with each   The newsletter has changed
                                             other and to be an inspiration to   dramatically since the initial issue.
                                             others.                            The page count has increased from
                                                The first issue of the SMART    8 pages to 12–24 pages. The first
                                             Way Newsletter far exceeded the    anniversary issue is a whopping
                                             expectations of the Social Service/  35 pages! The newsletter is now in
                                             Substance Abuse Service staff as   color instead of the initial black-
                                             well as that of jail administration.   and-white so that the level of detail
                                             Inmates who submitted items that   and talent in these works can truly
                                             were published requested extra cop-  been seen and appreciated. Every
                                             ies to send to their families. Some   single issue has new contributors,
                                             even mentioned to staff that this   artists, writers, poets, and creators
                                             was the first time in their lives they   committed to this project. In addi-
                                             had received attention for some-   tion, there are also returning con-
                                             thing that they had done right!    tributors whose commitment and
                                                                                level of investment in this project is
                                                Others were delighted to see
                                             their names in print. The participat-  awe-inspiring.
                                             ing inmates gave each other positive   Another change is an unwritten,
                                             reinforcement, creating a sense of   unspoken competition for the cover
                                             community as “artists,” encourag-  of the newsletter. As the artwork
                                             ing and supporting each other. Plus,   gradually became more prevalent,
                                             they encouraged other inmates to   Ms. Ruane began featuring one of
                                             participate.                       the artworks submitted on the front

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