Page 42 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 42

Inmate Comments                    their submissions. I commend
                                             •  “This is awesome! Thank you for   Stephanie Ruane for facilitating this
                                                putting this together, my stuff   impressive and inspiring newsletter.
                                                really looks nice.”             Keep up the great work!!”
                                             •  “I can’t believe I made the front
                                                page.”                          “I am honored to be a part of
                                             •  “My family is going to love this!”   something so significant, which has
                                             •  “It’s nice to be noticed for doing   made such an impact on our clients
                                                                                as well as the entire staff. This is all
                                                something right for a change.”
                                                                                done by the inmates—I am just the
                                                                                lucky person who gets to work with
                                             Comments from Administration       a team of creative, thoughtful, and
           page, generating competition for   “I commend everyone who took      generous human beings who want
           this spot.                        part in making this program a      to share their talents with the rest of
             An interesting development is   success. It is a pleasure to view   us. There is not much in my profes-
           that a few inmates, who have left   these submissions and has become   sional career that makes me prouder
           the Monmouth County Correctional   something to which I now look     than doing this newsletter with
           Institution to either go home after   forward to reading. The SMART   them. I am honored to be a vehicle
           completing their sentence or to   Way Newsletter started out as an   for them to share their gift with the
           serve time in state prison, can   outlet for the inmates to help get   world.”
           continue to mail submissions for   them through the pandemic, but I
           consideration for publication. The   am confident that this will be some-  “I congratulate the inmates for their
           newsletter has become a symbol for   thing that will continue long after   participation and personal submit-
           the grace and beauty of the human   this pandemic has passed.”       tals for the SMART Way Newsletter.
           spirit shining through an opportu-                                   The challenges during any incarcer-
           nity for artistic expression called the   “I look forward to reviewing all the   ated period are not easy and the
           SMART Way Newsletter.             poetry, artwork, and stories each   impact of a global pandemic has
                                             month. I commend the inmates for   only heightened those challenges.
                                             consistently impressing me with

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