P. 4

Eligibility & Enrollment

         Who May Enroll
         ABC Company employs Full-Time, Part-Time, Variable and Temporary staff to meet the needs of our guests and varying business volumes.

         Eligible Employees
         Employees are classified based on hours scheduled to work at time of hire. There are 3 benefit classifications designed to meet eligibility
         requirements for our company health benefits:

                                           Year Round (YR)          Flex Year Round (FYR)     Season to Season (S2S)
         Status                              Full-Time                   Full-Time                  Full-Time
         Minimum Hours                      30 per Week         30 per Week, 1,560 Hours based   30 per Week, 1,560 Hours based
                                                                   on measurement period      on measurement period

         Measurement Period                  52 Weeks                  9-11 Months             2 Consecutive Seasons

         Eligible Dependents
         •   Legally married spouse
         •   Children under the age of 26, regardless of student or marital status

         When You Can Enroll
         As an eligible employee, you may enroll at the following times:
         •   As a new hire, you may participate in the company’s benefits program on the first day of the month following the completion of 30 days of
         •   If you meet the ACA required hours, benefits are effective on the first day of the month following the end of your measurement period
         •   If you are transferred or promoted, benefits are effective on the first day of the month following your date of transfer/promotion
         •   Each year, during open enrollment
         •   Within 31 days of a qualifying life event as defined by the IRS (see Changes To Enrollment below)
         •   You may enroll in Voluntary Life insurance at any time, subject to proof of good health and carrier approval

         Changes To Enrollment
         Benefit plans are effective August 1st.  There is an annual open enrollment period each year, during which you can make new benefit elections for
         the upcoming plan year. Once you make your benefit elections, you cannot change them during the year unless you experience a qualifying life
         event as defined by the IRS.

         Life Event examples include, but are not limited to the following:

             Marriage, divorce, legal   Birth, adoption, or death of a child   Qualified Medical Child Support   Change in your dependent’s
             separation, or annulment        or spouse                Order (QMCSO)              eligibility status

           Loss of coverage from another   Change in your residence or   Loss of coverage through Medicaid   Eligibility for a state’s premium
                  health plan        workplace (if your benefit options   or Children’s Health Insurance   assistance program under
                                              change)                 Program (CHIP)            Medicaid or CHIP

            Coverage for a new dependent is not automatic. If you experience a qualifying life event, you have 31 days from the date of the event to
            update your coverage. Please contact your local Human Resources Office immediately following a qualifying life event to complete your
            applicable life event enrollment. If you do not update your coverage within 31 days from the qualifying life event, you must wait until the
            next annual open enrollment period to update your coverage.

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