Page 6 - iFly Employee Benefit Guide 2019
P. 6
Medical Insurance
United Healthcare | PPO Medical Plan
The United Healthcare Preferred Provider Organiza on (PPO) plan allows you to direct your own care. You are not limited to the
physicians within the network and you may self‐refer to specialists. If you receive care from a physician who is a member of the
PPO network, a greater percentage of the en re cost will be paid by the insurance plan. You may also obtain services using a non‐
network provider; however, you will be responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the actual charges and
you may be responsible for filing claims.
United Healthcare | HSA Medical Plan
With the HSA plan through United Healthcare, you can pay for qualified healthcare expenses now and grow your savings for future
healthcare needs. This plan combines a High Deduc ble Health Plan (HDHP) with a special, tax‐qualified savings account (HSA). You
can contribute tax‐free money to your HSA up to IRS maximums. The money in your account is yours to pay for current healthcare
expenses ‐ or you can save toward future healthcare expenses. Similar to the PPO plan, you have the freedom to choose your
doctor without the requirement of selec ng a PCP and you may self‐refer to specialists. You may use a network provider whose
nego ated rates provide richer levels of benefits with claim forms filed by the providers. You may also obtain services using a non‐
network provider; however, you will be responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the actual charges and
you may be responsible for filing claims. In addi on, iFLY will make contribu ons totaling $500 toward your employee health
savings account annually. See page 9 for addi onal details.
Team Member Premiums $$ $
Out‐of‐Pocket Costs $ $$
Health Savings Account
Cost Sharing Contribu on, Copay, Contribu on,
Deduc ble, Coinsurance Deduc ble, Coinsurance
‐ Network Size
‐ In‐Network Benefits
‐ Non‐Network Benefits
Finding a Medical Provider
Go to h p:// , scroll down, look to the right and select, “Find Your Doctor”
or call (866) 633‐2446
Glossary of Terms
Deduc ble: The amount of out‐of‐pocket expenses that you must pay for before any expenses are payable by the plan.
Copay: The flat dollar amount a covered individual is required to pay for certain services (could be before or a er mee ng any
applicable deduc ble).
Coinsurance: A cost sharing agreement between the insurance company and the insured where payment responsibility is
shared for all claims covered by the policy, usually expressed as a percentage.
Out‐of‐Pocket Maximum: The maximum amount you have to pay for covered services in a plan year. A er you sa sfy the out‐
of‐pocket maximum, the health plan will pay 100% of the costs of covered benefits for the remainder of the plan year.
In‐Network: Providers or facili es who have agreed to discounted fees with insurance carriers to par cipate within their
provider networks.
Non‐Network: A provider with whom an insurance carrier does not have a contract to provide healthcare services. A member
may pay higher copays, coinsurance and/or deduc bles to see a non‐network provider or have no coverage at all.