Page 10 - iFly Employee Benefit Guide 2019
P. 10
United Healthcare | SimplyEngaged Rally Wellness Programs
SimplyEngaged is a personal UHC health and wellness program which allows you to earn rewards
when you complete the health ac ons below. Eligible par cipants include you and your spouse.
You have to be on UHC medical plan to par cipate.
Get started with Rally: Log on to to access the program
Par cipate in biometric health screening ‐ learn about your numbers $75 reward
Access the biometric screening op ons through Rally when you log in to
Complete an online health survey through Rally when you log in to
within 90 days of the start of the program $25 reward
Complete the survey and receive your results as a “Rally Age” ‐ an indicator of how your
health compares with your actual age
Visit a par cipa ng fitness center at least 12 mes per month $20 per month
Register at a par cipa ng fitness center or YMCA through the Health & Wellness tab on; present your fitness ID card each me you go to the gym reward
Complete a telephone‐based health coaching program
Complete the health survey first, then call the health coach at (800) 478‐1057 to begin $75 reward
working on your plan ‐ plan accordingly (this step takes 3 to 5 months to complete)
Complete at least three Missions through the Rally experience
Complete the health survey to receive suggested online “missions” (this step takes at $50 reward
least 4 weeks to complete)
United Healthcare | Virtual Visits
The care you need, when you need it! You can contact a board cer fied doctor 24/7 to resolve many of your
medical issues through phone or video consults without leaving you home or office.
How: Online at or the UnitedHealthcare Health4Me mobile app
Once you are on the UHC website, you can choose between any of UHC’s contracted Virtual Visit
Providers. You will be directed to their website or Mobile app.
Or you can go directly to or website or mobile app.
Talk to a doctor for help with: Sore throat, fever, headache, cold/flu, allergies, UTIs and more. Save me
and money!