Page 3 - CW Driver Benefit Guide 2019 MAIN
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        Who May Enroll
        All regular full-time employees working at least 30 hours per week and their eligible dependents may participate in C.W.
        Driver’s benefits program. Your eligible dependents include:
         Legally-married spouse               A copy of the marriage certificate AND one of the following documents is required:
                                              •   Front page of the most recent federal or state tax return confirming the
                                                  dependent as your spouse, OR
                                              •   A copy of a document dated within the last 60 days showing current
                                                  relationship status, such as a recurring household bill or a joint statement
                                                  of account.

                                              The document must list employee’s name, the name of spouse, and address.
                                              In the situation of spouses who keep their finances separate, employees may
                                              provide separate household bills or account statements, as long as they show
                                              the same address and are not older than 60 calendar days.
         “Registered” domestic partner (same   A copy of the Declaration of Domestic Partnership registered with the California
         sex or opposite if over age 62)      Secretary of State AND one of the following documents:
                                              •   A copy of the front page of the most recent federal or state tax return
                                                  confirming the dependent as your domestic partner, OR
                                              •   A copy of a document dated within the last 60 days showing current
                                                  relationship status, such as a recurring household bill or joint statement of

                                              The document must list employee’s name, the name of partner, and address. In
                                              the situation of registered domestic partners who keep their finances separate,
                                              employees may provide separate household bills or account statements, as long
                                              as they show the same address and are not older than 60 calendar days. You
                                              can submit one copy of your tax return if it includes all family members that
                                              require verification.
         Dependent children under age 26      One of the following documents is required:
         (Medical)                            •   A copy of the child’s birth certificate or adoption certificate naming the
         Unmarried children under age 19, if not   employee, spouse, or domestic partner as the parent of the child, OR
         full-time students (Dental, Vision)  •   A copy of the court order naming the employee, spouse, or domestic partner
                                                  as the legal guardian of the child.
         Unmarried children through age 24,
         if they are full-time students (Dental,   For a stepchild or domestic partner’s child, the employee must also provide
                                              documentation demonstrating the relationship to the employee’s spouse or
                                              domestic partner, as requested above. You can submit one copy of your tax
                                              return if it includes all family members that require verification.

        When You May Enroll
        Eligible employees may enroll at the following times:
        •   During open enrollment.
        •   As a new hire, you may participate in the company’s Medical, Dental, Vision, EAP, Life, AD&D, and Flexible Spending
            Accounts on the first day of the month following the completion of 30 days of full-time employment.
        •   Within 31 days of a qualified change in family status/qualifying event (see Changes To Enrollment below).

        Paying for Your Coverage
        The Medical, Dental, Vision, EAP, Basic Life and AD&D benefits are provided at no cost to you and are paid entirely by C.W. Driver.
        Any Voluntary Life and AD&D, and Voluntary Benefits you elect through Unum will be paid by you at discounted group rates.

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