Page 7 - CW Driver Benefit Guide 2019 MAIN
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        Option 3: Anthem Blue Cross PPO HIA Medical Plan
        The Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) HIA plan with Anthem Blue Cross includes a special Health Incentive Account (HIA).
        You can use this account to help you pay for eligible medical and pharmacy benefits. You can earn funds for your HIA by taking
        steps that can help you achieve your health potential, such as completing the following programs:
        •   Future Moms Program: Up to $200 per member and spouse per year
        •   Online Wellness Toolkit Incentives: Up to $150 per member and spouse per year
        •   Condition Care Program: Up to $300 per member and spouse per year

        As with any PPO plan, you have the freedom to choose your doctor without the requirement of selecting a PCP and you may
        self-refer to specialists. You may use an Anthem Blue Cross contracted provider whose negotiated rates provide richer levels of
        benefits with claim forms filed by the provider. You may also obtain services using a non-network provider; however, you will be
        responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the actual charges and you may be responsible for filing claims.

                                                     Option 3:
         Plan Features                      Anthem Blue Cross PPO HIA
                                                    Medical Plan
         Network Name                  Prudent Buyer PPO      Non-Network
         Annual HIA Contribution
          - Individual                                 $1,000
          - Family                                     $2,000

         Annual Deductible
          - Individual                      $2,000               $6,000
          - Family                          $4,000               $12,000
         Coinsurance (You Pay)                20%                 40%
         Physician Office Visit            $30 Copay            Ded, 40%
         Out-of-Pocket Maximum
          - Individual                       $5,000              $15,000
          - Family                          $10,000              $30,000
          - Inpatient                      Ded, 20%             Ded, 40%            NOTE: Health insurance issuers
          - Outpatient Surgery             Ded, 20%             Ded, 40%
                                                                                    and group health plans are required
         Emergency Services                           Ded, 20%                      to provide you with an easy-to-
                                                 Waived if Admitted                 understand summary about your
         Urgent Care                       $30 Copay            Ded, 40%            health plan’s benefits and coverage,
                                                                                    referred to as a Summary of Benefits
         Preventive Care                   $0 Copay             Ded, 40%            and Coverage (SBC). This guide is

         Chiropractic (30 Visits/Year)     $30 Copay            Ded, 40%            designed to help you understand
                                                                                    the medical plan options offered
         Prescription Drugs                                                         to you by C.W. Driver. Please refer
          - Tier 1a/1b                    $5/15 Copay      40% max $250 Copay       to the SBC and carrier contracts
          - Tier 2                         $40 Copay       40% max $250 Copay       found in the Resource Center of the
          - Tier 3                         $60 Copay       40% max $250 Copay       Employee Benefits Portal, provided
          - Tier 4                    30% Max $250 Copay       Not Covered          by Kaiser Permanente and Anthem
          - Mail Order               $12 /$37  | $120 | $180       N/A              Blue Cross for additional plan details.
          - Mail Order Supply Limit         90 Days                N/A

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