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Health Advocate
You, your child and parents have access to a nurse at Health with medical question in-
cluding getting assistance with prescriptions and a second medical opinion; and it’s all confidential. Here are the top
eight reasons to Health Advocate:
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Find the Right Doctors Schedule Appointments Resolve Benefits Issues Assist with Eldercare
We’ll also locate the right We can help the Turn to us for help resolving We address senior issues such
hospitals, dentists and other earliest appointments with claims issues, untangling as Medicare and related
leading health care providers providers, including medical bills and health care issues facing your
anywhere in the country. specialists, and benefits. parents and parents-in-law.
arrange treatments
and tests.
5 6 7 8
Medical Records Insurance Companies Answer Questions Informed Decisions
We’ll also handle the details Our team works on your be- We help you become We will research conditions
of half to obtain about test results, and treatment options, and
X- rays and lab approvals for needed services. treatments and medications facilitate opinions.
results. prescribed by your physician
Help is Only a Phone Call Away
Your Health benefit is paid by your employer or plan sponsor and eligible employees, their
children, parents and Call them today!
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.