Page 10 - Hitachi Benefits Booklet Final
P. 10

Aetna HMO           Kaiser HMO              Aetna High Deductible HSA
        Medical Plan                  (CA Only)            (CA Only)              (Individual or Family Plan)

        Network Name                 HMO Network          Kaiser HMO              OAMC              Non-Network
        Health Benefits                                                     You must satisfy/pay the deductible before
                                                                             Aetna pays any medical or drug benefits.

        Lifetime Maximum               Unlimited           Unlimited                       Unlimited
        Annual Deductible                                                   Single Plan: $1,500   Single Plan: $1,500
          Individual / Single            None                None           Indiv on Fam: $2,800   Indiv on Fam: $2,800
          Family                         None                None           Family Plan: $3,000   Family Plan: $3,000

        Co-Insurance (Plan Pays)         100%                100%                  80%                  60%
        Preventive Care                  100%                100%            100% ded. waived         Ded, 60%
        Physician Office Visit
          PCP                          $20 copay           $20 copay             Ded, 80%             Ded, 60%
          Specialist                   $20 copay           $20 copay             Ded, 80%             Ded, 60%
        Out-of-Pocket Maximum                                                          Deductible Applies
          Individual / Single           $1,500              $1,500          Single Plan: $3,425    Single Plan: $10,500
          Family                        $3,000              $3,000          Family Plan: $6,850   Family Plan: $21,000
          Inpatient                      100%                100%                Ded, 80%             Ded, 60%
          Outpatient                     100%                100%                Ded, 80%             Ded, 60%

        Emergency Services            $100 copay          $100 copay             Ded, 80%             Ded, 80%
        Urgent Care                    $35 copay           $20 copay             Ded, 80%             Ded, 80%
        Chiropractic                   $15 copay        Discounts Apply          Ded, 80%             Ded, 60%
                                     20 visits/year                             12 visits/yr         12 visits/yr
        Prescription Drug             $10/$30/$45           $10/$20          Ded, $10/$20/$35     Ded, $10/$20/$35
        Tier 1, 2, 3

          Finding a Contracted Medical Provider
          Go to
          •   HMO:  HMO network
          •   PPO/HSA: Managed Choice® POS (Open Access) network
          •   PPO: Open Choice PPO Network (network applies to IA, ID,                  Educational Video
              MO)                                                                       Health Insurance Terms
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