Page 11 - Hitachi Benefits Booklet Final
P. 11

Aetna Silver PPO              Aetna Gold PPO            Aetna Platinum PPO
         Medical Plan
         Network Name               OAMC       Non-Network       OAMC       Non-Network       OAMC      Non-Network
         Health Benefits

         Lifetime Maximum                Unlimited                    Unlimited                    Unlimited
         Annual Deductible
           Individual                $500         $1,500          $250         $750           $100         $500
           Family                   $1,000        $3,000          $500         $1,500         $200         $1,000
         Co-Insurance (Plan          80%           60%            90%           70%           100%          70%
         Preventive Care            100%        Ded, 60%         100%        Ded, 70%         100%       Ded, 70%

         Physician Office Visit
           PCP                    $30 copay     Ded, 60%       $25 copay     Ded, 70%       $20 copay    Ded, 70%
                                                                                            $30 copay
                                                                                                         Ded, 70%
                                                                             Ded, 70%
                                                               $35 copay
           Specialist             $40 copay     Ded, 60%
         Out-of-Pocket Maximum
           Individual               $3,000        $6,000         $2,000        $4,000         $2,000       $2,000
           Family                   $6,000       $12,000         $4,000        $8,000         $4,000       $4,000
           Inpatient             $150, Ded, 80%  $150, Ded, 60%   Ded, 90%   Ded, 70%         100%       Ded, 70%
           Outpatient              Ded, 80%      Ded, 60%       Ded, 90%     Ded, 70%         100%       Ded, 70%
         Emergency Services       $150 copay,   $150 copay,      $100 copay,   $100 copay,      $50 copay   $50 copay
                                     80%           80%            90%           90%
         Urgent Care              $35 copay     $35 copay      $35 copay     $35 copay      $35 copay    $35 copay

         Chiropractic             $25 copay     Ded, 60%       $20 copay     Ded, 70%       $15 copay    Ded, 70%
                                 12 visits/year   12 visits/year   12 visits/year   12 visits/yr   12 visits/yr   12 visits/yr

         Prescription Drug        $5/$30/$55   Ded, $5/$30/     $5/$30/$55   Ded, $5/$30/    $5/$30/$55  Ded, $5/$30/
         Tier 1, 2, 3                              $55                          $55                         $55

                            AETNA FEATURES
                            Register as a member and download the mobile app. Aetna’s mobile app has been updated to
                            make healthcare simple for you. As a member you can:

                            •   View your ID card
                            •   Houses all your claims activity and explanation of benefits (EOB)
                            •   Help you located a contracted/network provider
                            •   Access to a variety of discounts
                            •   Earn gift cards and rewards by being an active healthcare users, complete health risk
                                assessments and more!

                            ATTAIN BY AETNA APP
                            The Attain  app combines your health history and Apple Watch® activity to offer personalized
                            goals*, achievable actions and big rewards – like an Apple Watch** or gift cards from popular
                            retailers. You can earn rewards by walking, going to the doctor, being active and much more!
                            Attain is a special program available only to Apple users at this time.
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