Page 14 - Hitachi Benefits Booklet Final
P. 14
The opportunity to establish and contribute to a
Health Savings Account administered by Igoe/Advidia Examples of
Bank is available when you elect the HSA medical plan
option. It’s like a personal, tax-free savings account for Eligible HSA Expenses
health care expenses that earns interest. Any unused
money rolls over from year to year.
• Providers (Doctors, Nurses)
You may elect to make contributions into your account • Prescription Drugs
up to IRS maximums. IRS maximums for 2020 are:
• Inpatient Hospital Services
Laboratory & X-Ray
• Employee: $3,550 MEDICA L • Emergency Services
• Family: $7,100 • Acupuncture / Chiropractic
• Catch-up (Age 55+): $1,000
The portion of your paycheck that you contribute to
your HSA will be taken out before you pay federal
income taxes, Social Security taxes and most state • Providers (Dentists,
taxes (excluding state taxes in AL, CA and NJ). Any Orthodontists)
contributions you make can be increased or decreased • Teeth Cleaning
over the course of the year. DEN TA L
• Dental Treatment
The money in your HSA is yours to save and spend on • Orthodontia
eligible health care expenses whenever you need it,
whether in this plan year or in future plan years. Your
account balance earns interest and the unused
balance rolls-over from year to year. The money is • Providers (Optometrists,
yours to keep even if you leave Hitachi Solutions, no Ophthalmologists)
longer participate in a high deductible health plan (like • Exams
the Aetna High Deductible HSA), or retire. • Glasses
VISION • Contact Lenses
• Lasik Surgery
• Long-Term Care
PREM IUM S • Medicare
Educational Video
Health Insurance Terms
Examples of
Ineligible HSA Expenses
Ineligible HSA expenses include expenses that are not
medical or health-related as well as cosmetic surgery.