Page 22 - Hitachi Benefits Booklet Final
P. 22
Empower Retirement | 401(k)
We all have different goals for retirement, but getting started is the first critical step for everyone. Contributing even a
small amount can make a big difference in achieving your goals. Our 401(k) plan can help you reach those goals and it’s
easy to get started. Our plan has an automatic enrollment feature so you will be automatically enrolled in the plan at 6%
unless you opt out.
Auto Enrollment, Eligibility
For new hires, Hitachi Solutions does not deduct your 401k contributions from your first paycheck as you have 30 days
to opt out, and auto enrollment may take up to 60 days to process. You must wait until Empower receives your eligibility
information before you can take any action to begin participation or opt out.
Opt Out
If you would like to opt out, you may contact Empower at the website or phone number listed below.
Your contributions and any amounts you roll into the plan are always immediately 100%
vested. Matching contributions are vested according to the schedule below:
Years of Service 1 2 3
Employer Match 33.33% 66.66% 100%
401(k) IRS Maximums 2020
Elective Deferral $19,500
Catch-Up Deferral (Age 50+) $6,500
Loans Access Your Account Online
Your plan allows you to borrow from your 401k
(fees apply). For first time users, click register and select “I do not have a pin
tab” and follow the prompts.
• Maximum 2 active loans allowed
• Minimum $1000; Maximum $50,000 Online features allow you to:
• Change your contribution rate
• Interest rate: Prime + 1%
• View and manage your investments
Rollovers are accepted into the plan. Contact • Change your Beneficiary
Empower for assistance in consolidating your
other 401(k)/403(b) accounts into your account.
Managing Your 401(k)
* This is intended to be a summary. For details Go to or call
about the 401k Plan, please see the Summary Plan (800) 338-4015 between 6am & 8pm MT.