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Medical Insurance: PPO Features

         •  PPO plans are designed to cost a bit more, but they give greater flexibility and choice.

         •  Your insurance covers your costs in and out-of-network (but cheaper in-network).
         •  You can choose your specialized care doctors (dermatologist, chiropractor, etc.) without a referral.
         •  There are deductibles (the minimum amount to pay out-of-pocket before you are covered).

         •  Bills and explanation of benefits (EOB) will come in the mail. Keep track of these to determine how much you owe.

                                                           ANTHEM PPO                            ANTHEM HSA PPO
          Your cost per paycheck                               $$                                      $


                                                                                          You get the same flexibility as the
                                               You have flexibility in choosing your doctors   Anthem PPO, plus a special savings account
                                               and specialists without network limitations.  that you contribute pre-tax money to use
                                                                                         for medical costs–see more on pg 7.

          Good for                                Rioters who want the freedom and     Rioters who want the freedom to choose
                                                responsibility of having extensive control   and are already familiar with the U.S.
                                                over choosing their healthcare providers        healthcare system

          Doctors you can see                       Any doctor, cheaper within the         Any doctor, cheaper within the
          (Network)                                     Anthem PPO network                     Anthem PPO network
          Doctors focused on
          specific conditions                     Go to any doctor without a referral.   Go to any doctor without a referral.
          Medications                                 Most pharmacies accepted               Most pharmacies accepted

          Amount you pay before                     In-network: $0 Solo / $0 Family    In-network: $1,500 Solo / **$3,000 Family
          insurance covers doctor’s bills
          (Deductible)                          *Non-network: $200 Solo / $600 Family  *Non-network: $3,000 Solo / **$6,000 Family

          Most you pay in a year                 In-network: $500 Solo / $1,000 Family  In-network: $3,000 Solo / **$6,000 Family
          for medical services
          (Out-of-Pocket Maximum)              *Non-network: $1,500 Solo / $3,000 Family  *Non-network: $6,000 Solo / **$12,000 family
          Cost at service                                 In-network: $10                      In-network: Ded, 0%
          (Office Visit)                              *Non-network: Ded, 30%                  *Non-network: Ded, 30%
          Find doctors in the network
                                                     Go to                 Go to
          Check out the provider finder videos
          on RiotNet                                      Network name:                          Network name:
                                                          Blue Cross PPO                         Blue Cross PPO
                                                    (Prudent Buyer) - Large Group          (Prudent Buyer) - Large Group

        * For our PPO plans, non-network costs include what’s known as ‘balance billing.’ This is when the healthcare provider bills you
         for the difference between what your insurance covers and what the provider charges. The difference is not protected by the
         out-of-pocket max.

       ** Each family member has their own deductible to meet before coverage kicks in; however, once the family’s maximum is met,
         coverage kicks in for everybody. Similarly, each individual has their own out-of-pocket max, but once the family out-of-pocket
         max is met, it’s met for everyone.

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