Page 9 - Coast Sign Benefit Summary 2017 - Non- CA - sent 9.26.17
P. 9

Rates and Contributions

                                 This chart compares the weekly contributions for our employee benefit plans.  Your cost for coverage
                                 will vary depending on the option and level of coverage you choose.
                                                                                      Weekly Employee Rate
                                  Medical PPO - Anthem

                                      Employee Only                                          $34.36
                                      Employee + Spouse                                     $170.11
                                      Employee + Child(ren)                                 $108.25
                                      Employee + Family                                     $266.33

         NOTES:                   Dental PPO - Premier Access
         Employee                     Employee Only                                          $6.56
         contributions for            Employee + Spouse                                      $12.29
         Medical, Dental and
         Vision are deducted          Employee + Child(ren)                                  $15.72
         from your paycheck           Employee + Family                                      $25.66
         with pre-tax dollars.    Vision - EyeMed
         This means that
         contributions are            Employee Only                                          $1.27
         taken from your
                                      Employee + 1                                           $2.41
         earnings before
                                      Employee + Family                                      $3.54
         taxes – resulting in
         lower taxes and          Basic Life and AD&D - Anthem
         increased take home
         pay.                         Employee Only                                     Paid by Coast Sign
                                  Voluntary Coverages / (Long Term Disability, Accident, Critical Illness)

                                      Employee Only                                          100%
         If you are enrolling
         dependents onto
         your plan(s) you
         must provide legal
         proof with your
         enrollment form (i.e.
         marriage certificate
         for enrolling spouses,
         and/or birth
         certificates for
         enrolling children).

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