Page 6 - Coast Sign Benefit Summary 2017 - Non- CA - sent 9.26.17
P. 6

         Basic Life and AD&D
                                                                                                  Consider updating
         Life insurance protects your family or other beneficiaries in the event of your death while you are
                                                                                                  your beneficiary
         still actively employed with the company. Coast Sign pays for coverage, offered through Anthem, in
                                                                                                  designation if you
         the amount of $25,000. If your death is due to a covered accident or injury, your beneficiary will   have had a life
         receive an additional amount through Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage.
                                                                                                  changing event such
                                                                                                  as marriage, divorce,
                                                                                                  the birth of children,
         Voluntary Life and AD&D
                                                                                                  etc. Call the Human
         In  addition  to  the  company  provided  Basic  Life  and  AD&D  benefits,  you  may  elect  to  purchase   Resources
         Voluntary Term Life and AD&D insurance at discounted group rates provided by Cigna. You pay for   Department for a
         this coverage with after-tax dollars through convenient payroll deductions.              copy of the
         Employee: You may purchase Voluntary Life insurance coverage for yourself in increments of   Designation Form if
         $10,000 up to a maximum of $500,000. If you elect this benefit during your initial eligibility period   needed.
         (upon hire), you will not have to complete the health statement, except for amounts that exceed
         the guarantee issue amount of $130,000.

         Spouse:    If  you  buy  coverage  for  yourself,  you  may  also  purchase  coverage  for  your  eligible
         spouse.  Benefits for your spouse are available in increments of $5,000 to a maximum of $250,000
         and  may not  exceed  50%  of  your  employee  election.  If  you  elect  this  benefit  during  your  initial
         eligibility  period  (upon  hire),  you  will  not  have  to  complete  the  health  statement,  except  for
         amounts that exceed the guarantee issue amount of $50,000.

         Child(ren):  If you buy coverage for yourself, you may also purchase coverage for your eligible
         dependent  child(ren)  in  $1,000  increments  up  to  $10,000.  Guarantee  issue  is  provided  for  all   Important
         amounts of child coverage.                                                             Note About

         To provide proof of good health, and to be approved for any benefit amount over the guarantee   the FSA:
         issue, you will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and are subject to insurance carrier   FSAs offer sizable tax
         approval. Cigna may approve or decline coverage based on a review of your health history.   advantages. The trade‐
                                                                                                off is that these

                                                                                                accounts are subject to
         Voluntary Long Term Disability (LTD)                                                   strict IRS regulations.
         Coast  Sign  offers  you  the  opportunity  to  purchase  Voluntary  Long  Term  Disability  (LTD)  income   According to this rule,
         replacement  at  group  discounted  rates,  through  Cigna.  If  you  become  totally  and  permanently   up to $500 of any
         disabled, benefits begin 180 days after the start of your illness or injury. Long Term Disability works   unspent funds
         with California State Disability, Social Security, and any other group disability coverage, to provide   remaining in your
         you with a combined monthly benefit equal to 60% of your pre‐disability earnings to a maximum   account at the end of
         benefit of $6,000 per month. If you elect this benefit during your initial eligibility period (upon hire),   the plan year will
         you will not have to complete the health statement to be approved to enroll in the LTD plan.    carry-over to the next
                                                                                                plan year, and unspent

                                                                                                funds above $500 will
         Flexible Spending Account                                                              be forfeited. We
         The Flexible Spending Account (FSA) offered through Optum Financial Services is an account where   encourage you to plan
         employees can set aside money before taxes are deducted to pay for certain health and dependent   ahead to make the
         care expenses.  You may participate in two different types of accounts:                most of your FSA
                                                                                                dollars. If you are
         Health Care Reimbursement: You may put up to $2,550 of pre-tax earnings through per paycheck   unable to estimate
         increments  into  this  account  to  be  spent  on  eligible  medical,  prescription,  dental,  and  vision   your health care and
         expenses.                                                                              dependent care

         Dependent  Care  Reimbursement:  You  may  put  up  to  $5,000  of  pre-tax  earnings  through  per   expenses accurately, it
         paycheck increments into this account to reimburse yourself for eligible childcare expenses.    is better to be
                                                                                                conservative and
         Note: Coast Sign’s FSA begins January 1st and runs through December 31st. Look for more details   underestimate rather
         on the Open Enrollment for the FSA toward the end of the year.                         than overestimate your

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