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Outdoor Patioscaping

           By Kari Maddox, Owner Green Scenes Indoor

          Spring is here! So many exciting   dry out in one 100 degree afternoon.   For fully shaded places, I enjoy using
          plants to imagine planting! At Green   It’s simply not possible to water eve-  house plants of all types, Impatiens
          Scenes, it’s been my pleasure to   ryday! I love the outdoor decorative   and Wax Begonias. I like to fill the
          design different outdoor patio scapes   containers from Architectural Supple-  center of my planters with an ev-
          for my clients.                    ments. Inside this, I use a planter in a   ergreen shrub such as Holly Green
                                             grow pot with a sub irrigation system   Pencil Shrub for height. Don’t make
          The first thing to consider in creat-  in the bottom. When the roots of the   the mistake of overcrowding your
          ing outdoor patio designs is climate.   plants grow down into the bottom of   planters. Expect each plant to fill in
          Here in North Carolina, we are in zone  the water reservoir, it’s easy to go 4 to   the container and leave room for
          7. It’s completely possible to have    5 days between watering, no matter   growth. In North Carolina, we have a
          colorful, blooming impact with well   what the weather is.           very long growing season so I like to
          planned containers year round here.                                  only have to do a major prune back
          We plant fall annuals in October, and   It’s always good to add a brick or   one time. If hail damage occurs, you
          replant with Summer annuals in April.  heavy log to the bottom of each   may have to prune them, also. I have
          We experience high heat and humid-  planter. This will help lessen pots be-  a long standing order with a local
          ity here in the summer.            ing blown over during thunderstorms  greenhouse grower for my summer
                                             and hurricanes. I’ve also found that a   annuals.
          This makes knowledge of the best   heavy pot is a great theft deterrent!
          drought resistant cultivars crucial.   Excellent drainage is crucial for suc-  Take your time to find only the best
          Since it’s spring, I’ll concentrate on   cess. Drill drain holes in the bottom   plants to have success. Mulching is
          summer planters. Outdoor planters   of all containers. Stagnant water in   also crucial. I’m blessed to have a
          are such a delight! It’s an affordable   the bottom of a pot in the south is   husband who is an arborist, and he
          way to make a big impact on your cli-  terribly stinky! For Soil, I truly love the   saves me his best mulch for my jobs.
          ent’s outdoor spaces. Let me walk you  Farfard Professional Outdoor Mix for   Hot mulch that has recently been cut
          through the process. Keep in mind,   outdoor containers. It can be en-  must be aged first, or you will burn
          you need to do what is right in your   hanced with some water enhancers if   plants. Beautiful pink hued cypress
          climate and area. If you’re just start-  needed too. Its a simply wondful   mulch is my personal favorite. It also
          ing out, keep your eyes open! Note  potting medium. It has extended   has theadded benefit of keeping
          plants that look great and find out   fertilizer in it, but I love Osmocote   some pests away! Every planter will
          what they are. Talk to people to ask   for a little extra boost. That way, you   need special care throughout the
          the names of plants that you like.   don’t have to mix fertilizer when you   growing season. Deadheading annu-
          Let’s consider the elements of every   water your containers. For plants, I   als too will truly extend their bloom
          outdoor container: Containers, Soil,   have found great success in Angel   time. Keeping an eye out for pests
          Plants, Mulch and Maintenance. I start  Wing Begonias and the Bronze leaf   such as aphids is very important.
          with sub irrigation systems. Garden-  begonias named Vodka, Whiskey   Most insects will be removed by a
          er’s Supply Company (   and Gin. They can take full sun to   little Safer Insecticide soap sprayed
 has a wonderful selection.   partial shade. They don’t require any   regularly. Most importantly, know
          Here in NC, a planter can completely   deadheading and resist insects, too!   what the poisonous spiders and their
                                                                               webs look like in your region.
                                                                               Black widows love the dark spaces
                                              Winter in the Carolinas!         around and under containers. This
                                              Don’t be afraid to ad-           is one circumstance where I do use
                                              dmixed colors for visual         true insecticide. Maintenance crews
                                              interest. Save a flat of         of most buildings are ready to handle
                                                                               these problems, so ask for help!
                                              plants in case of deep
                                              freezes or any ice damage.


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