Page 17 - What do you think?
P. 17

4.  You are not interested in having sex with             9.  You  are  always  thinking  about  work;

              your  partner,  you  just  want  to  rest.               your phone has become your best friend
              Something  important  to  take  into                     because  you  can’t  stop  looking  at  it  to
              account to know if you are workaholic or                 inform yourself about your work.
              not, is the state of your love relationship.

              Maybe  you  could  be  having  some
              problems  with  your  partner  because  of
              your  work  and  that  could  be  affecting
              your  intimate  relationship.  If  you  are
              receiving  many  negative  remarks  from

              your  couple,  you  should  examine  what
              you are doing wrong.

                                                                    10. You earn a lot of money, but you don’t
                                                                       have time for spending it.

                                                                    Being  workaholic  can  be  very  dangerous,
                                                                    you  could  get  different  illness  because  of

                                                                    your unhealthy habits, such as: a poor diet
                                                                    and a lack of sleep. You could lose important
                                                                    relationships  with  your  loved  ones  and
          5.  You  are  getting  sick  because  your
                                                                    discover  one  day  you  are  alone  and  dying
              physical  activity  gets  progressively
                                                                    because of your work. If you are reading this,
              reduced, as your work doesn’t give you
                                                                    and  you  feel  identified  with  the  above,  we
              chance to do anything else.
                                                                    recommend you to stop working excessively,
          6.  You refuse to go to the doctor, you don’t             take  a  break,  ask  for  vacations,  and  share
              have meal times and your feeding habits               more time with your family and friends. But,
              are terrible. For all of that, you could be           more especially, we recommend you to take

              obese and overweight.                                 care of yourself, to love yourself.

          7.  You fall asleep everywhere: public                    de-que-eres-un-workaholic#imagen-4

              transport, cinema, theater, parties, etc.

          8.  You just have one conversation topic:
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