Page 14 - What do you think?
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Movies and its lifetime treasures
Since a very long time ago, a group of people have made us create ideas about how the characters
and the scenes we read in books or magazines could be and look. In the same way, by taking
those texts to movies, they have given us the possibility to see things that go beyond our
imagination, having the consequence of creating generations of people joined by thirst of action
and adventure, the power of the force, or just hopeless romantics and comedy lovers. Inside every
category is one or a saga of movies that were made, even before many of us were born, that are
considered as gems of cinematography. So, let´s see two of them, shall we?
Star Wars saga (1977-present day)
This is one of the most known sagas worldwide with many signature symbols and soundtracks. But
it also has a particularity; this saga was not released in order, being the first three released movies,
Star Wars: A new hope, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars:
Return of the Jedi; episodes 4-6 and the three following, Star Wars: The
Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars:
Revenge of the Sith, episodes 1-3. The last two released in this decade were
the episodes following the line the way it has to be, also with anthology
films, among other stuff.
This saga put us in a future where aliens and humans live alongside each
other and they create democracy in the entire galaxy, being protected by
the Jedis. The Jedis are a group of people that can sense the Force, which
is the energy that every living thing has, and bow to use it for the people and to protect the
freedom of the Republic alongside the ones that want to maintain it. But it also has a dark side,
the Sith, that wants to destroy it all and creates a monarchy based on
fear. As we can see in each one of the movies, the constant fight of both
sides and the struggle that has the main character in every movie -
who also has the capacity to sense the force more than a usual Jedi –
are the central focus of the films. It also shows us a detailed picture of
both sides, especially the people that fight against the dark side of
the force, and the actions to defeat the other, alongside space
battles, explosions, new adventures in the unknown galaxy for us,
and new friends and androids that come along in this trip.
And it´s just the beginning.