Page 11 - What do you think?
P. 11

The next step is to deliver the invitations but be       recommended way, as it could be seen as a little

       careful about giving them to the correct person.         disinterested or even impolite attitude.

       Another way to do a formal invitation is to invite       On the other hand, it might be a clever idea to
       the  other  person  personally,  making  use  of         invite  people  to  do  something  using  an
       formal  vocabulary,  you  could  also  deliver  a        electronic device, you could text, send a photo

       present to show your deep interest.                      with  the  invitation,  send  a  gif,  call  the  other

       What about informal invitations? Let’s see! In           person, among other creative ways.
       that  case,  you  could  use  some  phrases  like:
       “Would  you  like  to…?”,  “What  about  a…?”,
       “What do you think about going with me to…?”.

       Also,  you  can  have  a  little  more  initiative,  for
       example: If you want to invite a person to the
       cinema,  you  could  buy  the  tickets  and  say:
       “There are two tickets, one for me and another

       for you, what do you say?”  Or you can arrive at
       other people house and say “Come on, you won’t
       regret coming with me to (insert place here)”

                                                                The  best  invitation  I  have  received  wasn’t
                                                                extravagant or full of presents, that person just

                                                                asked me “Would you like to go with me?” and I
                                                                said  “Yes”.  It  was  the  best,  because  I  felt  the

                                                                interest that that person had to hang out with
                                                                me,  and  also  he  asked  me  in  a  really  special

                                                                moment, when we were just with each other, in
                                                                a perfect place.

       If you are kind of shy, you could send the other

       person  an  informal  letter  with  the  proposal,
       something like: “You know the next weekend is

       the party dance, would you like to go with me,


                                                                There are many ways to do an invitation, what

                                                                you  must  think  about  is:  Who  am  I  going  to
                                                                invite? How is that person like? What would she

                                                                or he like the most? When should I do it and

                                                                where? If you have clear those 4 questions, you
                                                                won’t  receive  a  “No”  as  answer  and  you  will
       Also, you could send the message with another
                                                                share  a  magical  moment  with  that  special
       person,  although  it  is  not  the  most
                                                                person you want to share it with.
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