Page 8 - What do you think?
P. 8
Honesty: Why is it a Do you agree or
‘Always telling the truth’ is one of the main values that
we learn since an early age; and, as we grow up, it
represents some aspects about ourselves and how the What do you prefer, a
world can see us too. But we learn that ‘lies’ also exist, sweet lie or a bitter
and they have many subcategories depending on the truth?
damage it “can prevent”; also, it is easier to tell them
because of the range of imagination you can use to create
them. Being the opposite of the truth, which is just one
and realistic. For example, the use of “white lies” is a
common practice, because it’s not always easy to tell the
truth in every situation, mainly in ones in which someone
can get hurt in the case you decide to tell the truth. In What do you think
spite of giving that “calmness” to the situation it actually
makes an honest
makes it worse to all of the people involved in it, from
person to take this
decreasing the closeness between two people to ruining
an entire relationship. decision? Why?
“The greatest
advantage of telling
the truth is that you
don’t have to
remember what you
Found from:
“Tell the truth, all the
Being like this is more harmful than the truth can be. People time, about everything.
still use it in many situations and we see it as something What’s the alternative
normal. So, someone honest is like a treasure, like to radical honesty?
something unusual. Even now, it is difficult to tell the truth Waste, wasted time,
for many reasons that if I decide to write each one of them wasted money, wasted
in this article it would not be enough but, we have to make possibilities, a wasted
it normal and decrease the use of meaningless and hurtful life”
lies that is in our everyday lives. Brad Balnton