Page 4 - What do you think?
P. 4

How was your


                                                                                     What do you like
                                                                                   the most about it?

                                                              Recovered from:      Would you change

       MARCH 06/2018

       BEAUTIFUL TIME.                                                              Would you like to

       By Daniela Olivares                                                                 live your

       Childhood is the period between birth and the                                childhood again?

       beginning of adolescence. It’s a time full of
       learning, happiness, first times and dreams.

       I  don’t  remember  all  about  my  childhood,  but  what  I  can
       remember is how happy I was.  One of the most amazing things of
       my childhood was the idea of the existence of “Papito Dios”, as I
       used to call him. I remember too the emotion I had every time I
       was writing Santa’s letter. But the best was on January 25th in the

       morning,  when  I  woke  up,  and  I  saw  lots  of  toys  over  me.  I     Recovered from:
       remember taking them and shouting of happiness running around     
       the house, and then going to my neighbor`s house, Carolina, to
       show her my beautiful toys. Also, I remember the feeling of having

       a loose tooth, because of the Tooth fairy. I remember going to the           “What do you think?”
       school nurse, to pull out my tooth, then wrapping it in cotton and
                                                                                      the virtual magazine
       taking it under my pillow, to receive my money from the Tooth                 makes you ask yourself
       fairy. I think that those things were the best. However, it wasn't
                                                                                            about life.
       the only thing I did.

       When I was a child, I used to sleep alone, but I didn’t like it. So, I                   By:
       used to wake up early at the morning to kiss my dad, in order for                Daniela Olivares
       him to let me sleep with them. One day, my parents decided to                     Jorge Rodríguez
       change of place, to see my reaction when by mistake I kissed my

       mom and not my father. So, they did it, and as it was supposed to

       happen, I kiss my mom, and when I noticed it, I went where my
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